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Universal Containers (UC) has two business groups that have unique stages in the spelling process. What should UC use to implement?
To accommodate unique stages in the selling process for two business groups, Universal Containers should use Record Types (B). Record Types enable the creation of different business processes, page layouts, and picklist values for different segments of the business, making them suitable for managing distinct sales processes within the same object. Reference: Salesforce Help Documentation on Record Types.
Which two places can a flow designer distribute a flow with a screen?
A flow with a screen can be distributed in Salesforce by embedding it in Lightning Pages using the Lightning App Builder, which allows for the integration of the flow on Home, Record, App, and other custom pages. Additionally, flows can be added to the Utility Bar of Lightning Apps, providing users with easy access to the flow from the utility bar at the bottom of the Salesforce interface. Reference: Salesforce Help - Add Flows to Lightning Pages
The Administrator is developing a flow which integration with an external system and needs to be invoked in async fashion. What type of flow the Administrator should choose when designing this process?
For a process that integrates with an external system and needs to be invoked asynchronously, a Platform Event Process is suitable. Platform events enable the creation of event-driven workflows in Salesforce, where an event message is published and can trigger processes or flows. This mechanism is ideal for integrating with external systems in an asynchronous fashion. Reference: Salesforce Help - Platform Events Overview
The Salesforce Admin needs to automate a process that sends an approval request to the VP of Sales for any account record that changes from Prospect to New Customer. What process automation capabilities would the Admin use to meet this requirement?
To automate the process of sending an approval request when an Account record changes from Prospect to New Customer, the best approach would be to use Salesforce Flow to update the Account field value and then trigger an Approval Process to notify the VP of Sales. This approach allows for a more flexible and powerful automation compared to using Apex Triggers or Process Builder alone. Salesforce Flow can detect record changes and perform complex logic, including updating records and initiating approval processes. The Approval Process can then be configured to send an approval request to the VP of Sales. This solution aligns with Salesforce's best practices for leveraging declarative automation tools before resorting to code. Reference: Salesforce Help Documentation on Flow and Approval Processes.
A new VP of sales joined TrueGlobal Inc. TrueGlobal uses Salesforce for managing their global sales operations. The VP of sales wants to receive an email alert if a deal stage is changed to Closed Lost and the amount was greater than $1,000,000. What evaluation criteria should the administrator choose while creating this workflow rule?
For the VP of Sales at TrueGlobal Inc. to receive an email alert when a deal stage changes to Closed Lost with an amount greater than $1,000,000, the workflow rule should be set to trigger 'when a record is created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria.' This ensures the workflow rule evaluates the record both upon creation and any time the record is edited in a way that it meets the specified criteria, catering to both new and existing opportunities. Reference: Salesforce Help - Workflow Rule Considerations