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LenoxSoft wants to create a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement landing page that matches the exact look and feel of their website. Which method would produce the closest results?
A user needs to be able to import and export lists. What user role do you give them?
A user needs to be able to import and export lists. The user role that you should give them is Marketing. The Marketing user role has the permission to import and export prospects, as well as create and edit marketing assets, such as forms, landing pages, emails and campaigns. The other user roles, such as Sales Manager, Sales and None of the above, do not have the permission to import and export prospects.
A Marketing Cloud Account Engagement administrator wants to enable bot protection on their forms.
Which two Account Engagement form settings would accomplish this?
Choose 2 answers
In Salesforce Pardot, enhancing form security and preventing bot submissions can be effectively managed using two specific settings: reCaptcha and the Honeypot Technique.
reCaptcha: This is a service provided by Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse. A 'CAPTCHA' is a turing test to tell human and bots apart. It is easy for humans to solve, but hard for 'bots' and other malicious software to figure out. By integrating reCaptcha, forms can verify that the person submitting the form is indeed a human, thus adding a layer of security against automated attacks.
Honeypot Technique: This is a clever and non-intrusive method of detecting bots. It involves adding an additional field to the form that is invisible to human users but visible to bots. The principle here is that while a human won't see or interact with this hidden field, a bot will typically attempt to fill it out. When the form is submitted, if data is found in the honeypot field, the submission can be flagged as coming from a bot and thus be ignored or handled differently.
Both options are specifically tailored to enhance the security of forms in Pardot, helping to mitigate unwanted bot traffic and ensuring that engagement and leads generated are genuine.
LenoxSoft wants the "State" field to appear in real-time whenever a prospect selects "United States" for the "Country" field when completing their Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form.
Which form feature should be utilized?