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In an Integration Procedure, what group element will control whether an individual action executes?
The group element that will control whether an individual action executes in an Integration Procedure is Conditional Block. Conditional Block allows the designer to specify a condition that determines whether the actions inside the block will run or not. Cache Block is used to store data in memory for later use. Try-Catch Block is used to handle errors and exceptions. Loop Block is used to iterate over a collection of data.
A company begins a project to unify its customer data across the enterprise. After completing the discovery t analysis phases of the project, the project team recommends FlexCards as the primary solution. The stake holder of the project are excited to move forward with this recommendation. However, IT is concerned that creating FlexCards will require custom coding and advanced technical skills they do not have on their team.
Which two features should the consultant highlight to address IT's concerns?
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A company wants to create a new digital interaction process that allows customers to request a quote for service from a local retail energy supplier. The process requires the following actions:
* Allow the user to select one or more energy products from a list
* Get current energy usage data from an external system via an API
* Save the data back to Salesforce as a lead
Which three OmniScript elements should the consultant recommend to meet these requirements?
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An insurance company decides to implement a sales console for the sales representatives that displays or provide access to customer information. The consultant reviews all the information required and determines that FlexCards would be the best solution to display part of the required information.
Which two pieces of data should the consultant recommend displaying using FlexCards'
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A company has a requirement to create a 360 view of their customers using FlexCards. At this company, customer data is stored in Salesforce but also in external legacy systems. A consultant reviews the use cases needed and recommends a FlexCard canvas that contains 5 child FlexCards inside the state of the parent FlexCard.
How many different data sources can be configured using FlexCards in this scenario?