Free Salesforce Media-Cloud-Consultant Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Media-Cloud-Consultant were last updated On Feb 16, 2025

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Question No. 1

A media publisher is using advertising sales managment (ASM) to manage their B2B ad sales business and has decided to use google ad manager (GAM). which two actions should a consultant perform before testing the GAM integration?

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Question No. 2

A customer has the necessary licensed and dependent packeges installed and would like to install the advertising salesd management (ASM) package. Which step needs to be taken in order to do this?

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Correct Answer: A

To install the Advertising Sales Management (ASM) package, the correct step is to use a release package installation link from the Salesforce Industries Success Community. This involves selecting the Industries applications package that is Generally Available (GA) for installation in the target sandbox environment. This method ensures that the latest and most stable version of the ASM package is installed, adhering to Salesforce's best practices for package installation in sandbox environments for testing and validation before deploying to production.

Salesforce Industries Success Community: Access through Salesforce Help or Community portals

Salesforce Package Installation Guide:

Question No. 3

When using advertising sales managment (ASM), what are the two reccomended ways to integrate with google ad manage (GAM) to retrieve information, such as inventory managment, or to publish a campaign to GAM?

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Correct Answer: A, D

When integrating Advertising Sales Management (ASM) with Google Ad Manager (GAM), two recommended ways include using the Check Availability Integration Procedure (A) and Pre-Built Orchestration Plan (D). The Check Availability Integration ensures real-time verification of ad inventory against the planned campaigns, preventing overbooking and optimizing ad space utilization. The Pre-Built Orchestration Plan provides a structured workflow for integrating with GAM, facilitating seamless campaign publishing and data synchronization between Salesforce and GAM. Reference:

Question No. 4

Which two actions take place, when an insertion order is created and submitted in media cloud advertising sales management (ASM)?

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Correct Answer: A, C

When an insertion order is created and submitted in the Media Cloud Advertising Sales Management (ASM), several key actions take place:

A flow is initiated for asset creation and billing: This step involves initiating processes for creating the necessary ad assets and setting up billing arrangements for the advertiser. It ensures that all creative materials are prepared and billing is set up in accordance with the terms of the insertion order.

Order is submitted to industries order management: This involves integrating the order into Salesforce's broader industries order management system. This step is crucial for ensuring the order is processed and managed efficiently within the larger ecosystem of Salesforce's industry-specific solutions.

These actions are essential for transitioning from the sales phase to the execution phase of ad campaigns within the Salesforce Media Cloud environment.

Salesforce Advertising Sales Management documentation:

Salesforce Industries Order Management resources:

Question No. 5

A publisher wants to empower its sales team by embedding analytic dashboards that show the actual digital delivery performance on the salesforce account page for advertising and agencies. The dashboard will need to be customized to reflect nuances of the publisher's business. What should a consultant configure or implement to solve for this use case?

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Correct Answer: D

To provide the sales team with analytic dashboards showing actual digital delivery performance directly on the Salesforce Account page for advertisers and agencies, configuring the Ad Delivery Connector for CRM Analytics is the most efficient solution. This approach leverages CRM Analytics to aggregate and analyze ad delivery data, offering customizable dashboards tailored to the publisher's specific business nuances. Embedding these CRM Analytics dashboards on the Account page ensures that sales teams have immediate access to relevant performance metrics, enabling informed decision-making and client discussions. Reference: