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What is the salesforce point of view for end to end flow of data for real-time personalization within interaction studio? [Check]
The Salesforce point of view for real-time personalization within Interaction Studio focuses on:
Capturing user data and behavior from various touchpoints.
Analyzing collected data to derive insights about preferences, interests, and intent.
Using machine learning and AI to determine the most relevant personalization actions.
Delivering personalized content or experiences in real-time.
Monitoring and evaluating campaign performance to optimize outcomes.
Salesforce Interaction Studio Documentation - Real-Time Personalization Flow
What attribute and value is passed in the event API request for returning server side
In the Event API request for returning server-side campaigns in Salesforce Interaction Studio (IS), the attribute Source with the value Server is used. This ensures that the request explicitly identifies that it is for server-side campaigns, distinguishing it from client-side campaigns.
How does IS define web template?
In Interaction Studio (IS), a web template is defined as:
A reusable framework that simplifies the creation of web campaigns.
Developers design web templates to include configurable elements such as layout, dynamic content rules, and styling, which marketers can use to personalize experiences without requiring extensive coding.
ETL feeds must follow explicit specifications and require which type of file format?
ETL feeds in Interaction Studio must adhere to explicit specifications and require the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file format.
This format is widely used due to its simplicity and compatibility with most systems.
The ETL process ingests data such as catalog updates or behavioral information via CSV files.
Salesforce Interaction Studio Documentation - ETL File Specifications
When should you define goals and filters?
Goals and filters should be defined before launching a campaign to ensure that the necessary metrics and criteria are set up for proper evaluation of campaign performance.
This proactive setup allows businesses to measure specific objectives and segment behaviors accurately from the start.
Reference: Salesforce Interaction Studio Documentation -- Setting Up Goals and Filters.