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Northern Trail Outfitters has created child business units (BU) for their different regional offices. They want to limit subscriber records by BU, so users who are assigned to a BU can only view and send to Subscriber records in their region. A Profile Attribute named 'Region' associates a subscriber to a geographical region.
How could they ensure subscribers with a matching 'Region' Profile Attribute value are available in each BU?
Northern Trail Outfitters has integrated their Marketing Cloud account with their Salesforce sandbox.
In what order should the steps be performed to refresh the sandbox in their integrated account?
To refresh the sandbox in their integrated account, Northern Trail Outfitters should perform the steps in the following order:
Disconnect. This step will disconnect Marketing Cloud Connect from Sales Cloud and prevent data loss or errors during the refresh process.
Refresh. This step will refresh the sandbox in Sales Cloud with new data and configuration.
Reconnect. This step will reconnect Marketing Cloud Connect to Sales Cloud using the new sandbox credentials and settings.
Synchronize. This step will synchronize data between Marketing Cloud and Sales Cloud using Synchronized Data Sources or Salesforce Data Entry Sources.
Authenticate. This step will authenticate Marketing Cloud Connect users in both systems and enable full functionality of Marketing Cloud Connect.
Northern Trail Outfitters has configured Reply Mall Management to handle manual unsubscribe requests. However, they have received complaints from customers who are still getting marketing emails despite having sent multiple unsubscribe replies including phrases like "take me off your list" or "opt out".
How could this behavior be corrected'
Northern Trail Outfitters recently purchased Marketing Cloud to start running cross-channel campaigns. They are looking for guidance on which value to use as the subscriber key.
Which two options should the consultant recommend? (Choose 2 answers)
A data team wants to automate that sync of subscribers' Unsubscribes and status from their enterprise account to their external CRM In one consolidated file. They need to find subscribers In their Marketing Cloud account and their unsubscribe data for child business units.
Which two data views would they use to achieve this?
Choose 2 answers