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You are using replace inbox message feature. But your audience has changed and some of the contacts who received the first message do not exist. What would happen?
Where would you set a threshold limit in social studio
Understanding Threshold Limits: In Social Studio, a threshold limit is a setting that determines how many mentions of specific keywords or topics you want to trigger an alert. This helps you manage the volume of social data and focus on the most important conversations.
Navigating Social Studio: Social Studio is organized around workspaces, which are collaborative spaces for teams to manage social media activities.
Workspace Settings as the Key: Workspace settings control how individual workspaces operate, including things like user roles, post approval workflows, and notification settings. It makes sense that thresholds related to monitoring are controlled at the workspace level.
Detailed Steps Within Workspace Settings:
Access Workspace Settings: In Social Studio, you navigate to 'Admin' and then find the specific workspace where you want to set the threshold. Within that workspace, you'll see a 'Workspace Settings' option.
Notification Settings: Within 'Workspace Settings,' you look for a section related to 'Notifications' or 'Alerts.' This is where you configure how and when you want to be notified about social media activity.
Threshold Configuration: Within the notification settings, you'll find options to set thresholds for different types of mentions. For example, you might set a threshold to receive an email alert if your brand name is mentioned more than 50 times in an hour.
Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
A . Enterprise Admin Settings: Enterprise admin settings control overall Social Studio account settings, user management, and integrations, but they don't manage workspace-specific notifications.
C . Tab in Engage: Engage tabs are used to view and interact with social media content. While you might see alerts based on a threshold in Engage, you don't set the threshold itself there.
D . Column in Engage: Engage columns are customizable views of social media content within a tab. They are used for monitoring and engagement, but not for setting threshold limits.
'Thresholds' in 'Admin' settings refer to the total count for mentions or posts in a topic profile, not the threshold limit for notifications for social listening.
In Summary:
Workspace settings in Social Studio are where you control the notification thresholds, making B. workspace settings the correct answer. You configure the criteria and frequency at which you want to receive alerts about specific social media mentions within the workspace settings.
What is true about Einstein engagement frequency (EEF). Select 3
Understanding Einstein Engagement Frequency (EEF):
Purpose: EEF is a Marketing Cloud Einstein feature that helps optimize email send frequency for each subscriber. It aims to reduce unsubscribes and improve engagement by sending the right number of emails to each person.
How it Works: EEF analyzes historical engagement data (opens, clicks, etc.) to predict the optimal send frequency for each subscriber.
Correct Statements:
A . EEF uses only commercial send data not transactional: EEF focuses on optimizing marketing email frequency. Transactional emails (order confirmations, password resets) are typically triggered by specific events and are not part of EEF's optimization.
B . The model uses data available only in your account: EEF's predictions are based on the engagement data within your specific Marketing Cloud account. It doesn't use data from other accounts or external sources.
C . Used to determine the correct no of mails to be sent so that there are fewer unsubscribes due to email fatigue: This is the core purpose of EEF. It aims to find the 'sweet spot' for each subscriber -- enough emails to keep them engaged, but not so many that they unsubscribe due to email fatigue.
Incorrect Statement:
D . It uses the last 90 days of engagement data: EEF uses the last 28 days of engagement data, not 90.
In Summary:
EEF uses your account's commercial email send data from the last 28 days to determine the optimal email frequency for each subscriber, reducing unsubscribes. A, B, and C are correct.