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A user asks a Marketing Cloud admin to update and increase their session timeout setting. Which three considerations should the admin review before making this update?
Choose 3 answers
A Marketing Cloud admin is asked to add a set of four tracking parameters automatically to all the links in an email sent via email studio.
Which solution should the admin suggest?
The Marketing Cloud admin for Northern Trails Outfitters wants to build an audience with Advertising Studio which mimics the traits of their most valuable customers.
Which network(s) support lookalike audiences directly from Advertising Studio?
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to optimize their eCommerce site by sending a follow-up Email to a customer alter an online purchase is made.
What feature could be used to solicit website feedback without navigating away from the email?
Security and legal teams determine subscriber data available to EMEA teams should NOT be available to AMER teams.
How could the Marketing Cloud admin ensure distinct data integrity across the regions?