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At universal containers some Manufacturing cloud users have 'Delete sales agreement' profile permission. Which two statements are correct about that permission and the entitled users ability to delete sales agreements?
Partner managers from Universal Containers (UC) are performing onsite visits to their distribution partners. During the visit they have a goal of getting partners to renew the terms of their sales agreements with UC. Leadership wants to understand how effective these in-person visits are in getting partners to renew. They would also like to standardize the tasks to be performed during these visits and report on this data in Salesforce.
Which features should a Manufacturing Cloud consultant recommend to meet these requirements?
Universal Chemicals (UC) is selling liquid chemicals to Its Business to Business (B2B) customers based on delivery contracts that are represented as sales agreements in Manufacturing Cloud. UC's chemicals are shipped in various tank sizes. UC has requested to show the agreed and delivered volume on each schedule and in the actual figures so that the forecast can be made on the agreed, ordered, and delivered volume of liquids.
What should a Manufacturing Cloud consultant recommend to meet this requirement?
To accommodate Universal Chemicals' requirement to show agreed and delivered volume on each schedule and in actual figures for their liquid chemicals, a Manufacturing Cloud consultant should recommend creating custom fields for volume and total volume on the sales agreement objects. Additionally, a before save flow can be used to calculate the total volume based on these fields. Metric Mapping can then be utilized to display these metrics on the sales agreements, allowing for a comprehensive view of agreed, ordered, and delivered volumes, which is essential for accurate forecasting and management of liquid chemicals in various tank sizes .
Which two options can be used to populate a custom metric so that it shows on forecast grid?
Universal Containers (UC) wants to use Sales Agreements to track long-term agreements with its key customers. Along with planned revenue and quantity and actual revenue and quantity, UC needs to track the minimum inventory quantity required. UC's implementation partner has added a new Minimum Inventory number field to the Sales Agreement Product Schedule object.
What else does UC need to do to allow users to see and edit minimum inventory on their agreements?