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The Alumni Relations office wants to respond to posts by alumni on variety of Channels, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Which solution should the office consider?
Social Studio is a solution that the Alumni Relations office can consider to respond to posts by alumni on a variety of channels, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Social Studio allows the office to monitor, publish, and engage with social media content from different platforms. Social Studio also provides analytics and insights that can help the office measure the effectiveness of their social media strategy. Email Studio, Audience Studio, and Interaction Studio are not solutions that can respond to posts by alumni on a variety of channels. Reference:
The director of advising wants to better understand why students are meeting with their advisors.
Which Advisor Link Feature should the consultant include in a report?
Appointment Topic is an Advisor Link feature that the consultant should include in a report to better understand why students are meeting with their advisors. Appointment Topic is a field on the Appointment object that indicates the reason or subject of the meeting. Success Plan Type, Alert Reason, and Case Status are not Advisor Link features that show why students are meeting with their advisors. Reference:
Career Services wants to import internship information from a spreadsheet into Salesforce. Student contact and educational information is populated from the Student Information System (SIS) to Salesforce. The spreadsheet has a list of interns, their student ID numbers, their email addresses, company phone numbers, company names, and start and end dates.
Which external ID should the consultant recommend to match spreadsheet information with the Salesforce Contact record?
The student number is the external ID that the consultant should recommend to match spreadsheet information with the Salesforce Contact record. The external ID is a field that uniquely identifies a record and can be used to match records from different data sources. The student number is a unique identifier for each student that can be used to match the spreadsheet information with the Contact record in Salesforce. The email address, company name, and company phone are not unique identifiers for each student and cannot be used as external IDs. Reference:
Staff in Continuing and Professional Education use Salesforce and Pardot for marketing and management of its certificate programs. Staff occasionally need to view course payment information that they can access in a separate transaction system. The system admin wants Salesforce to contain only CRM data for reports and automation.
Which data management strategy should the consultant recommend for course payment information?
The consultant should recommend to manage course payments in the transaction system as a data management strategy for course payment information. This means that the course payment information will not be stored or processed in Salesforce or Pardot, but rather in a separate system that is designed for handling transactions. This can help the system admin keep Salesforce clean and focused on CRM data for reports and automation, and avoid data duplication, integration issues, or security risks. Migrating course payments to Pardot and Salesforce, managing course payments in the transaction system and Pardot, or integrating course payments from Salesforce to the transaction system are not data management strategies that can help the system admin keep Salesforce clean and focused on CRM data for reports and automation. Reference:
A school of engineering is interested in Salesforce. There are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration. The university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos. There is high turnover in staff and leadership.
Which Salesforce environment strategy should the consultant recommend?
The consultant should recommend that the school of engineering should have its own Salesforce environment as a Salesforce environment strategy for the school of engineering that is interested in Salesforce and there are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration, the university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos, and there is high turnover in staff and leadership. A Salesforce environment is an instance of Salesforce that contains a set of data, metadata, features, or configurations. The school of engineering should have its own Salesforce environment as a Salesforce environment strategy for the school of engineering that is interested in Salesforce and there are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration, the university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos, and there is high turnover in staff and leadership by having more control, flexibility, and autonomy over their own data, metadata, features, or configurations without being affected by or affecting other schools' environments. The university should not consolidate all of the Salesforce environments, the school of engineering should not initiate a Center of Excellence (CoE), or the school of engineering should not share an existing Salesforce environment with another school as a Salesforce environment strategy for the school of engineering that is interested in Salesforce and there are several other Salesforce environments across the university with varying degrees of usage and configuration, the university is largely decentralized where schools operate independently of each other and often in silos, and there is high turnover in staff and leadership. Reference: