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Consider the following code snippet:
Given the multi-tenant architecture of the Salesforce platform, what is a best practice a developer should implement and ensure successful execution of the method?
A developer created a child Lightning web component nested inside a parent Lightning web component. The parent component needs to pass a string value to the child component.
In which two ways can this be accomplished?
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The Account object in an organization has a master-detail relationship to a child object called Branch. The following automations exist:
* Roll-up summary fields
* Custom validation rules
* Duplicate rules
developer created a trigger on the Account object.
Which two things should the developer consider while testing the trigger code?
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A . Roll-up summary fields can cause the parent record to go through Save:
When a roll-up summary field on a parent object (like Account) is updated due to changes in child records (like Branch), the parent record (Account) is implicitly saved again.
This can result in the execution of the trigger on the parent object. Developers must consider this behavior to avoid unintended recursion or infinite loops.
C . The trigger may fire multiple times during a transaction:
Triggers can execute multiple times within a single transaction, especially when there are operations such as updates to the parent record caused by roll-up summary fields or workflows.
Developers should implement logic to ensure that the trigger handles multiple executions correctly (e.g., using a static variable to prevent recursion).
Why not the other options?
B . Duplicate rules are executed once all DML operations commit to the database:
This is incorrect because duplicate rules execute before the DML operation is committed. Duplicate rules prevent duplicate records from being created or updated before the database operation occurs.
D . The validation rules will cause the trigger to fire again:
This is incorrect because validation rules do not cause triggers to fire again. Validation rules validate the record and may prevent DML operations, but they do not independently re-trigger the Apex trigger.
A developer must create a DrawList class that provides capabilities defined in the Sortable and Drawable interfaces.
Which is the correct implementation?
When importing and exporting data into Salesforce, which two statements are true?
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