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Universal Containers (UC) has a Salesforce org with multiple automated processes defined for group membership processing, UC also has multiple admins on staff that perform manual adjustments to the role hierarchy. The automated tasks and manual tasks overlap daily, and UC is experiencing "lock errors" consistently.
What should a data architect recommend to mitigate these errors?
An architect has been asked to provide error messages when a future date is detected in a custom Birthdate _c field on the Contact object. The client wants the ability to translate the error messages. What are two approaches the architect should use to achieve this solution? Choose 2 answers
For a production cutover, a large number of Account records will be loaded into Salesforce from a legacy system. The legacy system does not have enough information to determine the Ownership for these Accounts upon initial load. Which two recommended options assign Account ownership to mitigate potential performance problems?
Company S was recently acquired by Company T. As part of the acquisition, all of the data for the Company S's Salesforce instance (source) must be migrated into the Company T's Salesforce instance (target). Company S has 6 million Case records.
An Architect has been tasked with optimizing the data load time.
What should the Architect consider to achieve this goal?
Universal Container (UC) has accumulated data over years and has never deleted data from its Salesforce org. UC is now exceeding the storage allocations in the org. UC is now looking for option to delete unused from the org.
Which three recommendations should a data architect make is order to reduce the number of records from the org?
Choose 3 answers