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A user asks a Marketing Cloud admin to update and increase their session timeout setting. Which three considerations should the admin review before making this update?
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A Marketing Cloud admin is asked to understand how a certain content area within a Triggered Send Email is performing.
Which report should be used?
Northern Trails Outfitters uses Doubleclick Bid Manager, Facebook Ads, and Google Analytics to manage advertising spend. They want to combine these data sources with Marketing Cloud's API to identify their most effective campaigns.
What feature should be recommended?
A financial services customer states that families often share email addresses across multiple checking, savings, loan, and credit accounts. The customer needs to allow individual accounts to use the same email address in Marketing Cloud but maintain separate subscriber attributes.
Which component should be discussed with the customer to allow for this use case?
An entertainment company is hosting events across the country in different venues. They want to use Contact Builder to feed Journey Builder. Contact who enter a journey will go through a decision split based on the type of event. The journey will send a series of emails and one of them will contain the venue details dynamically populated with AMP script.
The Company collects the following information:
- Customer data (email address, first name, last name...).
- Event registration (email address, event ID, event name, event type, venue ID...).
- Venue details (venue ID, venue name, venue address...).
- Payment details (email address, event ID, total paid...).
The Company does not want to link everything in Contact Builder.
Which are the two data sources that must be incorporated inside Contact Builder?
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