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An administrator supporting a global team of salesforce users has been asked to configure company
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Cloud Kicks has asked the administrator to test a new screen flow that create contacts.
What are two key components of testing the flow?
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Running the flow using it to create contacts and using debug to test the flow in Flow Builder are two key components of testing a new screen flow that creates contacts. Running the flow allows the administrator to see how the flow behaves in real time and check for any errors or unexpected results. Debugging the flow allows the administrator to simulate how the flow runs with different inputs and outputs and check for any logic or syntax errors. Setting up a flow interview or testing the flow in a sandbox are not necessary for testing a screen flow that creates contacts. Reference:
Which two capabilities are considerations when marking a field as required in Object Manager?
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When you mark a field as required in Object Manager, the field is universally required to save a record on that object in the user interface. However, the field is not required to save records via the API on that object, unless you also mark it as required on the page layout.
Sales raps at Ursa Solar are having difficulty managing deals. The leadership team has asked
the administrator to help sales reps prioritize and close more deals.
What should the administrator and close more deals.
An administrator at Northern Trail Outfitters is creating a validation rule.
Which two functions should the administrator use when creating a validation rule?
Choose 2 answers
Two functions that an administrator should use when creating a validation rule are:
Error condition formula, which defines when an error should occur based on record fields and values
Error message location, which specifies where on the page layout an error message should appear when triggered by an error condition formula Formula return type and rule active date are not functions used for validation rules. Reference: