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Which statement is true about action plan templates?
Action plan templates can have multiple planogram, inventory and promotion checks, which are predefined tasks that can be assigned to field reps to perform during their store visits. These tasks help to ensure compliance and optimize product placement and availability. Verified Reference: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 26-27.
Which statement is correct about Consumer Goods- Einstein Visit Recommendations?
Einstein Visit Recommendations take into account factors like store operating hours to ensure that suggested visits are feasible and practical.
Northern Trail Outfitters wishes to use Tableau CRM as part of their Consumer Goods Cloud rollout. What data is required to support successful creation of the app?
A data requirement to support successful creation of the Tableau CRM app for Consumer Goods Cloud is that products must be associated to retail stores. This is because the Tableau CRM app analyzes the sales performance and product distribution across different stores and segments, and identifies opportunities and gaps for product placement and availability. Without associating products to retail stores, the app cannot provide accurate and meaningful insights. Verified Reference: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 37.
Northern Trail Outfitters(NTO) places a high value on understanding how their end capes are performing. What should be recommended to NTO to ensure they can capture this data?
Creating a distinct set of KPIs for endcap locations allows NTO to specifically track and analyze the performance of these areas, providing targeted insights.
Where would a Consumer Goods Cloud Admin need to establish the expected value for the planogram metrics?
The object where a Consumer Goods Cloud Admin needs to establish the expected value for the planogram metrics is Assessment Indicator Definition. A planogram is a visual representation of how products should be arranged on a shelf. A planogram metric is a measure of how well the actual shelf image matches the expected planogram image. An Assessment Indicator Definition is an object that defines an indicator or metric that can be used to assess the performance or compliance of a retail store or an action plan task. By creating an Assessment Indicator Definition for the planogram metric, such as out of stock, share of shelf, or SKU facings, an admin can establish the expected value for that metric and use it to calculate the actual value based on the shelf image. Verified Reference: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 23-24.