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A strategy designer and a UX team have recently workshopped and developed a plan around the team's purpose and how they will align with the rest of the organization's goals and objectives.
Which alignment and accountability document should be used after this workshop to bring the plan to reality?
V2MOM stands for Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles, and Measures. It is a tool that helps align teams around common goals and objectives, and track progress and results. It is used by Salesforce to bring plans to reality after workshops and ideation sessions. Reference:
The design team at Cloud Kicks has created a vision for a new virtual try on tool for its
products, which would apply to multiple product lines, brands, and regions.
Which roadmap should the strategy designer create to communicate the planned releases of
multiple products in a single view?
The best roadmap to communicate the planned releases of multiple products in a single view is a portfolio roadmap, as this helps show how different products align with the strategic goals and initiatives of the organization, and how they interrelate and depend on each other. A strategy roadmap or a product roadmap may not be able to capture the complexity and diversity of multiple products.
Cloud Kick's sales representatives are complaining about lack of flexibility when they need
to create complex quotes and configure product solutions
What should the Strategy Designer recommend to streamline their sales cycle?
The Strategy Designer should recommend implementing Revenue Cloud to streamline their sales cycle. Revenue Cloud is a Salesforce product that enables companies to create flexible and scalable revenue models, automate complex billing and revenue recognition processes, and provide a unified buying experience across channels. Revenue Cloud includes CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) and B2B Commerce solutions that can help Cloud Kicks' sales representatives create complex quotes and configure product solutions more easily and accurately.
A cross-disciplinary team at Cloud Kicks has to synthesize top customer quotes and insights
from research and turn them into design opportunities.
Which question should the team use to prioritize insights?
The best question to prioritize insights from customer research is how will this improve the customer experience, as this focuses on the value proposition and user needs of the design. Asking if the technology is capable of supporting the need or what will bring in the most revenue may not reflect the user-centric approach of design thinking.
At a project kickoff, a stakeholder shared the hypothesis that the price point was the reason their product was failing in the market. But when the design team conducted qualitative research, they learned that customers wanted an entirely different type of product.
How should the design team present this information knowing they would challenge a stakeholder's hypothesis?