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A Retailer has a single storefront site and a Product Management System (PIM). The Pin is Generating the master catalog and storefront categorization catalog every day and it uploading them toSFTP
how should the Architect configure the import job flows following the best practices?
For optimal job flow concerning data import from a PIM system, the sequence should begin with downloading files globally from an SFTP site, followed by importing data into the B2C Commerce platform:
First flow: Download files, ensuring all required files are available and ready for import.
Second flow: Import the storefront catalog which likely has dependencies on the master catalog but is generally smaller and can be updated more rapidly.
Third flow: Import the master catalog, as it typically contains the foundational data needed for various site functionalities.
This sequence respects data dependency and integrity, ensuring that the storefront reflects the most current and accurate information after all relevant data is imported.
Given a website launched to production, the Architect can rely on several SFCC Business Manager tools that provide an automatic notification feature.
Which three tools have such a feature and do not require to be monitored manually?
Choose 3 answers
The Salesforce B2C Commerce Business Manager tools that feature automatic notifications are:
Option A (Job Schedules): Business Manager can send notifications based on job schedules, alerting users when a scheduled job has completed, failed, or met specific conditions. This feature helps in monitoring automated processes without manual oversight.
Option D (Pipeline Profiler): This tool provides automatic notifications regarding the performance of different pipelines, allowing architects and developers to monitor site performance and troubleshoot issues proactively.
Option E (Quota Status): Automatically notifies administrators when certain quotas are reached or exceeded, such as API call limits or data storage limits, which is crucial for maintaining site stability and performance.
These tools are essential for proactive site management, ensuring that administrators can address potential issues before they affect the site's operation.
An Order Management System (OMS) handles orders from multiple brandspecific sites, as part of the processing, the OMS sends the processing detail to be added at notes to the orders in B2C Commerce. These processing details are captured temporarily in custom objects, and are later processed by a batch Job that:
* Processes the custom object to extract the orderid and note data.
* Tries to load the order.
* If the order is not found, it deletes the custom object and moves on.
* If the order is found, it updates notes In the Order, upon successful update of this order, it deletes the custom object.
There is an Issue reported that the job is constantly failing and custom objects are growing in number. On investigating the production look the message below is being logged on each failure:
What are three solution The Architect can take to fix this issue without losing meaningful data?
Choose 3 answers
When facing an issue with a growing number of custom objects due to the exceeded quota limit for order notes, effective solutions include:
Option C (Take the backup of the custom object and delete the custom object): This ensures that the data is preserved while freeing up space for new processes and reducing the load, allowing the job to continue running without the impediment of quota limits.
Option D (Engage B2C Commerce Support Team to soften the quota limit for 'object.OrderPO.relation.notes'): Increasing the quota limit can resolve the root cause of the issue by accommodating the actual business needs without compromising the integrity of order processing and note addition.
Option E (Take the backup of the Order as XML and delete the notes from Order): This allows the job to process the custom objects as intended in subsequent runs by clearing out space while ensuring the order data remains intact for business needs.
These steps address the quota limit issue effectively without losing valuable order or note data, ensuring continuity and integrity of business operations.
The Client plans to deploy a new payment provider and Order Management System on its existing B2C Commerce website. They have asked an Architect to advise which environment it should use to conduct load testing of its new integrations.
Which environment should be used as the ideal environment for this kind of load test?
For conducting load testing of new integrations with a payment provider and Order Management System, it is recommended to use the Development Instance of the existing Realm (Option B). This approach ensures that any issues found during testing do not affect the live production environment, while still allowing tests to be conducted in an environment that mirrors the production setup as closely as possible. This minimizes the risk of disruptive downtime or customer-facing errors when the integration goes live.
The Client wishes to implement a third party integration that allows for free shipping If the customer Is a member of the third party service. When the customer's order is exported to the Order Management System (OMS) it also creates a custom object in order to track additional data before sending that order data to the third-party service as well.
What technical concern should the Architect raise to protect performance and stability of the site1?
When integrating a third-party service that relies on custom objects in B2C Commerce, the primary technical concern is the impact on performance and site stability related to the usage of these objects. Important considerations include:
Custom object quota: Ensuring that the use of custom objects does not exceed platform limits, which could impact performance or even prevent new data from being stored.
Retention or deletion needs: Proper management of custom object lifecycle is crucial to prevent data bloat and maintain database performance, including strategies for timely deletion or archiving of old data.
Addressing these concerns is critical to maintaining the performance and stability of the site while integrating third-party services that require extensive data handling.