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What can an Administrator use to limit the products that a Buyer Group can see?
To limit the products that a Buyer Group can see, an Administrator can use C. Entitlement Policies. Entitlement Policies in Salesforce B2B Commerce control access to products based on various criteria, including buyer groups. By configuring these policies, an administrator can define which products are visible and available to specific buyer groups, ensuring a tailored and relevant product selection for different segments of buyers.
A company already has an Experience Cloud Site that they want to use as the
store. They are currently implementing B2B Commerce.
What should an Administrator do in this scenario?
If a company already has an Experience Cloud Site and is implementing B2B Commerce, an Administrator should A. Drag and drop the Commerce components onto the proper pages in Experience Builder. This approach allows for the integration of B2B Commerce functionalities into the existing site by utilizing the modular components available in Experience Builder, tailored to the commerce needs.
An Administrator needs to migrate the Store configurations from the development
sandbox to the QA sandbox.
Which two steps should the Administrator take to migrate the changes to the new server?
To migrate Store configurations from a development sandbox to a QA sandbox, an Administrator should Use Data Migration (A) to transfer configuration data and related records between environments. Export Store Configuration (D) is also a crucial step as it allows the Administrator to create a deployable package of the store's settings, which can then be imported into the QA environment. Apply Store Configuration (B) and Publish the Store (C) are actions taken after the configurations have been successfully migrated and are part of the setup process in the new environment, rather than the migration process itself.
An Administrator has created a new store and is verifying that a particular user who is a Buyer Manager can review the activity of other users. When logging in an error message shows up: "Looks like this portal user is not a member of an experience or your experience is down. Ask your Salesforce admin or channel manager for help."
How can this be resolved?
To resolve the issue where a Buyer Manager cannot review the activity of other users due to an error message, the administrator should D. Verify Membership by Profile under Administration in Experience Builder. This ensures that the user has the appropriate access and membership settings to participate in the B2B Commerce experience and perform their role effectively.
What is the limit on the category hierarchy in terms of child records in B2B Commerce?
Choose 7 option.
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The limit on the category hierarchy in terms of child records in B2B Commerce is C. 5.0. This means that within the category structure, a parent category can have up to five levels of child categories beneath it. This hierarchical structure allows for organizing products into categories and subcategories, providing a clear and navigable structure for users.