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Northern Trail Outfitters needs to present shipping costs and estimated delivery times to their customers. Shipping services used vary by region, and have similar but distinct service request parameters.
Which integration component capability should be used?
An enterprise architect has requested the Salesforce Integration architect to review the following (see diagram & description) and provide recommendations after carefully considering all constraints of the enterprise systems and Salesforce platform limits.
* About 3,000 phone sales agents use a Salesforce Lightning UI concurrently to check eligibility of a customer for a qualifying offer.
* There are multiple eligibility systems that provides this service and are hosted externally. However, their current response times could take up to 90 seconds to process and return (there are discussions to reduce the response times in future, but no commitments are made).
* These eligibility systems can be accessed through APIs orchestrated via ESB (MuleSoft).
* All requests from Salesforce will have to traverse through customer's API Gateway layer and the API Gateway imposes a constraint of timing out requests after 9 seconds.
Which three recommendations should be made?
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An Architect is required to integrate with an External Data Source via a Named Credential with an Apex callout due to technical constraints.
How is authentication achieved?
Sales representatives at Universal Containers (UC) use Salesforce Sales Cloud as their
primary CRM. UC owns a legacy homegrown application that stores a copy of customer dataas well. Sales representatives may edit or update Contact records in Salesforce if there is a change.
Both Salesforce and the homegrown application should be kept synchronized for consistency. UC has these requirements:
1. When a Contact record in Salesforce is updated, the external homegrown application should be
2. The synchronization should be event driven.
3. The integration should be asynchronous.
Which option should an architect recommend to satisfy the requirements?
Northern Trail Outfitters is planning to perform nightly batch loads into Salesforce from
an external system with a custom Java application using the and the CIO is curious about monitoring recommendations for the jobs from the Technical Architect
Which two recommendations will help meet the requirements?
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