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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Salesforce in their Salesforce ADX-211 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Salesforce Administer, Extend, and Automate Salesforce exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Salesforce ADX-211 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Users at AW Computing are receiving a duplicate message when they enter contacts with common first and last names. Management wants to improve the user experience but also keep the data Integrity of contacts.
What should an administrator implement for this issue?
Sales teams at Cloud Kicks ask each visiting customer to fill out a form that capturing their contact information and some basic footwear preferences. This information is saved to a spreadsheet and used by the sales team to alert their contacts when new shows are added to the inventory that matches their preferences. The sales team wants to be able to track this in Salesforce and see the information when viewing the contact
Which two ways should the administrator configure this requirement?
Choose 2 answers
Data Loader is a tool that allows administrators to import, export, insert, update, delete, or upsert records in Salesforce using CSV files. Data Loader can handle large data sets and complex data transformations. Data Loader can be used to import records for a custom object from a spreadsheet. Lightning Object Creator is a tool that allows administrators to create custom objects in Salesforce from spreadsheets. Lightning Object Creator can automatically map spreadsheet columns to fields and create relationships between objects. Lightning Object Creator can be used to create a custom object from a spreadsheet and import records at the same time.
The administrator at Cloud Kicks made new fields and page layout adjustments based on new requirements from the service teem. The changes have been built In a sandbox and are ready to be deployed Into production.
Whet should an administrator do before deploying the change set in production?
The operations team at Ursa Major Solar (UMS) currently tracks installations using a spreadsheet. The information captured includes customer name, address, purchase and installation dates, configuration specs, and additional installer instructions. UMS's CEO would like to utilize Salesforce to track this information instead.
Which action should the administrator take to meet this requirement?
AW Computing has a 4-hour SLA in its support guarantee. The company recently received feed that customers art reporting long wait times before an agent responds to a new case after it has been submitted.
How should an administrator ensure cases are properly prioritized?
Escalation rules are rules that automatically escalate cases if they have not been resolved within a certain time frame or meet certain criteria such as priority or status. Escalation rules can perform actions such as changing ownership of cases, sending email notifications, or creating tasks for users or queues. By using escalation rules, AW Computing can ensure that cases are properly prioritized and handled within their SLA time limit.
Assignment rules are rules that automatically assign cases to users or queues based on criteria such as case origin, type, or product. Assignment rules can also send email notifications to users or customers when a case is assigned. By using assignment rules, AW Computing can ensure that cases are routed to the right agents or teams based on their skills and availability. Reference: