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Is this statement accurate regarding SailPoint's multi-tenant processing environment?
Solution: identityNow admins have the option to choose how often updates to their tenant occur.
No, IdentityNow administrators do not have the option to choose how often updates to their tenant occur. SailPoint operates a multi-tenant SaaS model, where updates are rolled out centrally by SailPoint on a predefined schedule. SailPoint controls and manages updates to ensure consistency and security across all tenants. This means that all tenants receive updates automatically as part of SailPoint's continuous delivery model, without the ability for individual admins to control or delay updates.
SailPoint IdentityNow SaaS Release Management Guide.
SailPoint IdentityNow Multi-Tenant Environment Overview.
The diagram represents me contents of a single Active Directory forest. Assume that all employees hove employeeType set to employee and contractors have employeeType set to contractor.
is the following configuration valid for the given scenario?
The customer needs to query only Employees from Domain A and Contingent Workers from Domain B Fotests:
1. DN - dc=domains, dc=com;TLS =No; Server = server,
2. DN - dc=domaininb,dc=com;TLS =No; Server = server,
search DNS:
1. DN - OU=users, DC=domains, DC=com; LDAP Filter = (employeeType=employee
2. DN - OU=Contingent Workers, OU=Users, DC=domainb, DC=com
The configuration provided is not valid due to an error in the server specification for Domain B. The server for Domain B ( is incorrectly set to, which is not correct. Each domain in the Active Directory (AD) forest should have its own respective server. For Domain B, the correct server should be something like, assuming that there are distinct domain controllers for each domain.
Additionally, the search DN for Domain A appears to be valid as it correctly filters for employees with (employeeType=employee). The search DN for Domain B seems to be partially correct, as it targets the OU=Contingent Workers, but the issue lies with the incorrect server assignment.
Key Reference from SailPoint Documentation:
Active Directory Configuration: Each domain in a forest should be connected to its respective server, and incorrect server assignments between domains can cause LDAP search and synchronization issues. Proper domain controller assignment for both and is required.
Review the sentence below
The virtual appliance (VA) private key is_____.
Does this option correctly complete the sentence?
Solution: Stored both in the identityNow tenant and on the VA.
The virtual appliance (VA) private key is not stored in both the IdentityNow tenant and the VA. The VA private key, which is critical for secure communications, is stored only on the Virtual Appliance (VA) itself. It is used to authenticate and encrypt communications between the VA and the IdentityNow tenant. Storing such sensitive information in the IdentityNow tenant would violate best practices for key management and security.
Instead, the IdentityNow tenant only holds the public key or a reference to the key to facilitate secure exchanges with the VA. The private key remains secured locally within the VA, protecting it from potential security vulnerabilities associated with external storage.
SailPoint IdentityNow Virtual Appliance Architecture Guide.
SailPoint IdentityNow Security and Encryption Documentation.
Is this statement accurate regarding SailPoint's multi-tenant processing environment?
Solution: Updates are rolled out on a continuous basis, which allows for rapid development and deployment of new features, security updates, and bug fixes.
Yes, SailPoint follows a continuous delivery and rolling update model for IdentityNow, which allows for the rapid development and deployment of new features, security updates, and bug fixes. Updates are rolled out automatically to tenants as part of this process, ensuring that customers always have the latest version of the platform. This continuous approach minimizes downtime and allows SailPoint to address security vulnerabilities and improve functionality in a timely manner.
SailPoint IdentityNow Continuous Delivery and Deployment Documentation.
SailPoint IdentityNow Release Management and Update Policy Guide.
Is the following true about the web-services connector in IdentityNow?
Solution: The connector supports SAML authentication.
The Web Services connector in SailPoint IdentityNow does not support SAML authentication. SAML is primarily used for Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication for web applications, whereas the Web Services connector in IdentityNow typically supports Basic Authentication, OAuth, or custom header-based authentication for API-based integrations. SAML authentication is generally used for federated identity management rather than for API-based interactions.
SailPoint IdentityNow Web Services Connector Configuration Guide.
SailPoint IdentityNow Authentication Methods for Connectors.