At ValidExamDumps, we consistently monitor updates to the RedHat EX447 exam questions by RedHat. Whenever our team identifies changes in the exam questions,exam objectives, exam focus areas or in exam requirements, We immediately update our exam questions for both PDF and online practice exams. This commitment ensures our customers always have access to the most current and accurate questions. By preparing with these actual questions, our customers can successfully pass the RedHat Red Hat Certified Specialist in Advanced Automation: Ansible Best Practices Exam exam on their first attempt without needing additional materials or study guides.
Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by RedHat in their RedHat EX447 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their RedHat Red Hat Certified Specialist in Advanced Automation: Ansible Best Practices Exam exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the RedHat EX447 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Create a role called sample-apache and store it in /home/bob/ansible/roles. The role should
satisfy the following requirements:
*In the role, install and enable httpd. Also enable the firewall to allow http. Also run the template
*index.html.j2 and make sure this runs Create a template index.html.j2 that displays "Welcome to the server HOSTNAME"
In a play called apache.yml in /home/bob/ansible/ run the sample-apache role.
Create a file in /home/sandy/ansible/ called report.yml. Using this playbook, get a file called report.txt (make it look exactly as below). Copy this file over to all remote hosts at /root/report.txt. Then edit the lines in the file to provide the real information of the hosts. If a disk does not exist then write NONE.
Create an ansible vault password file called lock.yml with the password reallysafepw in the /home/sandy/ansible directory. In the lock.yml file define two variables. One is pw_dev and the password is 'dev' and the other is pw_mgr and the password is 'mgr' Create a regular file called secret.txt which contains the password for lock.yml.
Create a playbook called regulartasks.yml which has the system that append the date to /root/datefile every day at noon. Name is job 'datejob'
Install and configure ansible
User sandy has been created on your control node with the appropriate permissions already, do not change or modify ssh keys. Install the necessary packages to run ansible on the control node. Configure ansible.cfg to be in folder /home/sandy/ansible/ansible.cfg and configure to access remote machines via the sandy user. All roles should be in the path /home/sandy/ansible/roles. The inventory path should be in /home/sandy/ansible/invenlory.
You will have access to 5 nodes.
Configure these nodes to be in an inventory file where node I is a member of group dev. nodc2 is a member of group test, node3 is a member of group proxy, nodc4 and node 5 are members of group prod. Also, prod is a member of group webservers.