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A business analyst s creating an app for the sales team. The app must meet several requirements
* Compare 10 top -performing sales representatives and the amount of sales for each
* Investigate margin percentage and total sales by each product category
* View distribution of sales amount
Which visualizations should be used for this app?
Refer to the exhibit.
A business analyst needs to display a bat chart only when less than 100 customers are selected
What should the business analyst create to meet this requirement
A user makes a selection within a sheet and then navigates to another sheet to validate the details However when the user returns to the original sheet the selection is removed What is causing this behavior?
Refer to the exhibit.
The data architect toads these fields from a data source A business analyst is creating an app for the human resources team Several visualizations are required
* Line chart to show the number of new hires and terminations monthly
* Treemap to show the number of employees by department and job level
* Distribution plot of annual salaries or amount of benefits received by duration of employment or location
* KPI to show average cost per employee
The cost per employee can be calculated by adding the employee salary to the amount of benefits received
Which two additional fields does the business analyst need from the data architect lo meet these requirements? (Select two )
A Help Desk department sets a first-time fix target of 65% for ail customer calls. The department has a measure that captures the actual first-time fix percentage. A business analyst needs to choose the visualization that most effectively shows the performance against the target using a color gradient Which visualization should the business analyst use?