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Which is a purpose of the quality theme?
The purpose of the quality theme in PRINCE2 is to define and implement the means by which the project will ensure that all products are fit for purpose and meet their requirements. This theme is essential for planning, designing, developing, and delivering products that satisfy the customer's expectations and standards defined for the project. Reference: = PRINCE2 7 Foundation handbook and online resources
Which is a minimum requirement for applying the change theme?
A minimum requirement for applying the Change Theme in PRINCE2 is to record every issue that is raised in the issue register. This ensures that all potential and actual deviations from the plan are captured and managed appropriately, maintaining control over changes and supporting effective decision-making. Reference: PRINCE2 7 Foundation Handbook and official training materials.
Identify the missing word in the following sentence. A member of the Project Board is responsible for [ ? ] assurance.
A member of the Project Board is responsible for quality assurance in PRINCE2. Quality assurance is concerned with ensuring that the project's products meet the quality requirements set out in the project and that the project adheres to the appropriate corporate, programme management, or customer quality standards. Reference: PRINCE2 Foundation manual, PRINCE2 official resources
Which is the definition of a requirement?
A requirement in the context of PRINCE2 is defined as a documented need or expectation that is formally approved and used as a basis for further project development. This documentation typically includes specific details about project scope, expected outcomes, and performance criteria, which are crucial for project planning and execution. Reference: = PRINCE2 7 Foundation Training Manual and official PRINCE2 website documentation
What is a temporary organization that is treated for the purpose of delivering Business Products according an-agrees business casa?
A project is defined as a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering business products according to an agreed business case. This definition emphasizes the temporary and purpose-driven nature of a project, which is organized to achieve specific business objectives and then disbanded upon achieving its goals. Reference: PRINCE2 7 Foundation manual and basic project management concepts.