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While developing a risk management plan for a complex program in a metricized environment, a program management team is itemizing a response plan for each identified risk that appears in the risk register. What should the risk manager do to effectively monitor the risks?
While reviewing the developed risk response plan, a team identified a residual risk incompatible with the organization's risk appetite. Which action is required next to handle the residual risk?
The project manager has completed four projects all with similar scope. The project manager has recently been assigned to start on a new project and believes some risks may occur again on this project.
What should the project manager do?
The project manager should discuss the identified risks with the project team to ensure that everyone is aware of the potential risks and can provide input on the likelihood and impact of each risk. This collaborative approach will help in developing a comprehensive risk management plan.
A budget change request was initiated by a functional manager in an organization due to a shortage in the functional manager's department budget. The functional manager asks the CEO to approve utilization of a contingency budget reserved for one of the projects in its closing phase.
What should the risk manager of the related project have done to prevent this situation from happening?
The risk manager should have ensured a more accurate project work plan and budget to prevent the functional manager from requesting to use the project's contingency budget. A well-planned budget would have avoided the shortage in the functional manager's department budget.
A risk manager notices that a risk owner is facing challenges implementing their response strategy and the costs are significantly exceeding expectations. What is the first thing the risk manager should do?
The first thing the risk manager should do is analyze the situation and meet with the risk owner. This will allow the risk manager to understand the challenges faced by the risk owner and work with them to find a solution. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis or changing the risk response strategy may be necessary, but it is important to first understand the situation before taking any action.