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Project scenario - Get fit with football!
(Note: The companies and people within the scenario are fictional)
A Local Government Authority (LGA) has decided to organize a six-a-side football tournament. The tournament will contribute towards achieving the targets set by a national initiative to improve the fitness of children under the age of 16. As part of the LGA's policy of self-funding, this has to be achieved at zero cost to the LGA (and therefore the local tax payer). The cost of the event will be covered through fees paid by teams registered to take part in the tournament, sponsorship and monies raised during the day. Any surplus would be used for the maintenance of local sports centres.
Teams can register under one of several age groups for both boys and girls. In addition, family members are asked to attend to provide support.
This sports event is designed to be a family day out. The football tournament will have an event village including a kidz'-zone, catering, car parking, mobile changing rooms and toilets. The tournament will take place on the LGA-owned football pitches near the centre of the town, although space is somewhat limited.
The initial scope of the project includes:
The project has been set up with four work streams to deliver this work:
1. Marketing
2. Website
3. Event Village
4. Staff Training
Project Background
The LGA have extensive experience in using PRINCE2 and will run the event as a single project. The project manager is fully conversant with PRINCE2 Agile. One office in the LGA building in the centre of town has been given to the project for the entire duration. The office is across the corridor from the Marketing Department and the project manager has already put a sign on the door that says 'Mission Control'.
An initial timeline has been suggested and is shown in the following diagram. The timeline may evolve due to the agile ways of working. The timeline shows how work streams are broken down into work packages and/or timeboxes.
Marketing - Additional information
The marketing campaign has two key areas to promote:
1. The event itself including the football tournament, event village and fundraising activities.
2. The LGA's long term aim to improve the fitness of children under the age of 16.
The Marketing Team has received some initial Scrum training but is unsure how it can be applied to their marketing work.
The Marketing Team is keen that the project manager provides them with a clear brief for the campaign before they spend too much time on it.
They have experience of working with a variety of marketing channels, although they are not sure which channel(s) will work most effectively to promote this type of event, and in particular to promote the LGA's longer term health aims.
The Marketing Team is not clear on the priority to assign to the two aims for the event.
The Marketing Team will publish advertisements and/or promotional material every week, with more information in each issue to keep the message up to date.
Nine releases are scheduled at the end of each of the nine week-long timeboxes.
The nine timeboxes within the marketing work stream are scheduled to include:
Using the Project Scenario and Marketing Additional information, answer the following question:
The senior user has specified a second charity to which any proceeds should be donated. All marketing material to be used from now onwards must promote the new charity. Banners promoting only the first charity have already been produced, delivered and approved in a previous timebox. The effort to add the new logo to the existing banners is low.
How should the Marketing Team respond to this change with respect to the banners already created?
Since the effort to add the new logo is low, it is efficient to incorporate this change during the planning and prioritization of tasks for the current or next timebox. This allows the team to adapt to the new requirement without needing to escalate or disrupt the project flow significantly.
Project scenario - Get fit with football!
(Note: The companies and people within the scenario are fictional)
A Local Government Authority (LGA) has decided to organize a six-a-side football tournament. The tournament will contribute towards achieving the targets set by a national initiative to improve the fitness of children under the age of 16. As part of the LGA's policy of self-funding, this has to be achieved at zero cost to the LGA (and therefore the local tax payer). The cost of the event will be covered through fees paid by teams registered to take part in the tournament, sponsorship and monies raised during the day. Any surplus would be used for the maintenance of local sports centres.
Teams can register under one of several age groups for both boys and girls. In addition, family members are asked to attend to provide support.
This sports event is designed to be a family day out. The football tournament will have an event village including a kidz'-zone, catering, car parking, mobile changing rooms and toilets. The tournament will take place on the LGA-owned football pitches near the centre of the town, although space is somewhat limited.
The initial scope of the project includes:
The project has been set up with four work streams to deliver this work:
1. Marketing
2. Website
3. Event Village
4. Staff Training
Project Background
The LGA have extensive experience in using PRINCE2 and will run the event as a single project. The project manager is fully conversant with PRINCE2 Agile. One office in the LGA building in the centre of town has been given to the project for the entire duration. The office is across the corridor from the Marketing Department and the project manager has already put a sign on the door that says 'Mission Control'.
An initial timeline has been suggested and is shown in the following diagram. The timeline may evolve due to the agile ways of working. The timeline shows how work streams are broken down into work packages and/or timeboxes.
Event Village - Additional information
The aim of the event village is to provide a range of services and activities for anyone attending the football tournament.
The event village will comprise a number of work packages:
1. Event village design
2. A 'kids-zone' which includes trampolines and swings, as well as the opportunity to try out other sporting activities
3. Stalls which will be sold to local businesses to raise funds for the event:
4. A car park for 200 cars.
5. Temporary facilities including changing rooms, toilets and shower facilities.
6. Dismantling of the event village and clean up.
The Event Village Team is assembled using staff from various LGA departments who have no experience of working with agile.
Using the Project Scenario and Event Village Additional information, answer the following question:
The Event Village Team is holding a workshop to decide how to meet the varied and often conflicting requirements for culturally diverse, healthy and quick food because several days have already been spent trying to establish the way forward. The workshop involves only the Event Village Team without the use of an independent facilitator.
Which reason BEST explains why this workshop is a good application of the 'rich communication' focus area?
Workshops facilitate direct, face-to-face interaction among team members, allowing for richer communication. This informal setting encourages open dialogue, brainstorming, and collaborative problem-solving, which are essential for addressing complex and conflicting requirements effectively.
Project scenario - Get fit with football!
(Note: The companies and people within the scenario are fictional)
A Local Government Authority (LGA) has decided to organize a six-a-side football tournament. The tournament will contribute towards achieving the targets set by a national initiative to improve the fitness of children under the age of 16. As part of the LGA's policy of self-funding, this has to be achieved at zero cost to the LGA (and therefore the local tax payer). The cost of the event will be covered through fees paid by teams registered to take part in the tournament, sponsorship and monies raised during the day. Any surplus would be used for the maintenance of local sports centres.
Teams can register under one of several age groups for both boys and girls. In addition, family members are asked to attend to provide support.
This sports event is designed to be a family day out. The football tournament will have an event village including a kidz'-zone, catering, car parking, mobile changing rooms and toilets. The tournament will take place on the LGA-owned football pitches near the centre of the town, although space is somewhat limited.
The initial scope of the project includes:
The project has been set up with four work streams to deliver this work:
1. Marketing
2. Website
3. Event Village
4. Staff Training
Project Background
The LGA have extensive experience in using PRINCE2 and will run the event as a single project. The project manager is fully conversant with PRINCE2 Agile. One office in the LGA building in the centre of town has been given to the project for the entire duration. The office is across the corridor from the Marketing Department and the project manager has already put a sign on the door that says 'Mission Control'.
An initial timeline has been suggested and is shown in the following diagram. The timeline may evolve due to the agile ways of working. The timeline shows how work streams are broken down into work packages and/or timeboxes.
Website - Additional information
A new website will be built for the event. There are five work packages within this product:
1. Initial homepage:
2. Team Registration functionality:
3. Social media promoting the event and its aims.
4. Applications (apps) to promote healthy lifestyles including fitness and healthy eating apps.
5. Health Park:
The Website Team have a lot of experience in IT and have been using agile for several years. They are delivering the website through five two-week timeboxes. The team uses a Scrum Master to facilitate and the Scrum process and coach people accordingly.
The Website Team are very good at Scrum. They have created a set of tasks to assess more difficult work and they refer to this as sprint zero.
Using the Project Scenario and Website Additional information, answer the following question:
During the Apps and Social Media timebox in Stage 4, the LGA made a request for the customer subject matter expert to be allowed to return to operational work, in order to resolve an urgent problem. This request was successfully resisted by the executive.
At the subsequent retrospective, the following observation was made:
'The stability of the Website Team during the sprint contributed to delivery of all Must Haves and 3 out of the 4 Should Haves.'
How should this observation be captured?
The lessons log is a place to capture insights and reflections from retrospectives, making it accessible for the team to review and learn from past experiences. Documenting this observation there emphasizes the importance of team stability for successful delivery and can inform future practices and decisions.
Project scenario - Get fit with football!
(Note: The companies and people within the scenario are fictional)
A Local Government Authority (LGA) has decided to organize a six-a-side football tournament. The tournament will contribute towards achieving the targets set by a national initiative to improve the fitness of children under the age of 16. As part of the LGA's policy of self-funding, this has to be achieved at zero cost to the LGA (and therefore the local tax payer). The cost of the event will be covered through fees paid by teams registered to take part in the tournament, sponsorship and monies raised during the day. Any surplus would be used for the maintenance of local sports centres.
Teams can register under one of several age groups for both boys and girls. In addition, family members are asked to attend to provide support.
This sports event is designed to be a family day out. The football tournament will have an event village including a kidz'-zone, catering, car parking, mobile changing rooms and toilets. The tournament will take place on the LGA-owned football pitches near the centre of the town, although space is somewhat limited.
The initial scope of the project includes:
The project has been set up with four work streams to deliver this work:
1. Marketing
2. Website
3. Event Village
4. Staff Training
Project Background
The LGA have extensive experience in using PRINCE2 and will run the event as a single project. The project manager is fully conversant with PRINCE2 Agile. One office in the LGA building in the centre of town has been given to the project for the entire duration. The office is across the corridor from the Marketing Department and the project manager has already put a sign on the door that says 'Mission Control'.
An initial timeline has been suggested and is shown in the following diagram. The timeline may evolve due to the agile ways of working. The timeline shows how work streams are broken down into work packages and/or timeboxes.
Staff Training - Additional information
The event will be supervised primarily by LGA staff volunteers. They will need to be trained in various skills so that:
A . the event is carried out safely and professionally;
B . staff members are able to give advice on health and fitness.
This is covered by four work packages:
1. Training syllabus:
* High-level design of the manual.
* Content of each module.
2. Course content for safety and professionalism:
* Detailed design of two modules:
* Health and Safety including basic first aid.
* Customer relations to look after people attending the event.
* Piloting the modules with a group of volunteers.
3. Course content tor giving advice on health and fitness:
* Detailed design of two modules:
* Exercise fundamentals including how to warm up and cool down.
* Healthy eating including what types of food are good for you.
* Piloting the modules with a group of volunteers.
4. Training delivery:
* Production of the training manual;
* Delivery of the training to the rest of the volunteers.
The Staff Training Team is staffed by in-house training staff members that have been involved in several waterfall projects but have not had any exposure to agile.
Using the Project Scenario and Staff Training Additional information, answer the following question:
The LGA's social media expert has advised that a few social media channels already used by the LGA have much more traffic than many of the others that are available.
However, the customer subject matter expert has requested a presence on a wide range of social media channels to promote the health and fitness messages.
Which reason explains why the team manager should focus delivery on the most popular social media channels according to the five targets?
Concentrating on the most popular social media channels maximizes the potential reach and engagement for the health and fitness messages. By prioritizing these channels, the team can effectively promote discussions and interactions, aligning with the goal of generating awareness and interest in the initiative while utilizing resources efficiently.
Which is a reason for 'blending and weaving' PRINCE2 with agile at all levels within a project?
This approach enables teams to adopt Agile practices while maintaining the governance and structure provided by PRINCE2, promoting both flexibility and control in project delivery.