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Which of the following is Scrum based on?
Scrum is built around timeboxed iterations called Sprints, where teams work in a fixed period (typically 1-4 weeks) to deliver a potentially shippable product increment.
A . Incorrect. While Scrum incorporates some Lean principles, its foundation is timeboxing, not Lean.
B . Incorrect. Scrum and DevOps are complementary but distinct. Scrum is not based on DevOps principles.
C . Correct. Timeboxing is a core aspect of Scrum, ensuring focused delivery within a defined timeframe.
D . Incorrect. Scrum rejects sequential (Waterfall-like) processes in favor of iterative and incremental work.
Scrum Guide 2020: Sprints and Timeboxing
Which is the BEST description of toil?
In Agile and DevOps, toil refers to manual, repetitive work that adds no lasting value to the product or service, consuming time and effort that could be better spent on high-value activities.
A . Incorrect. Toil is not necessarily complex; it is often simple but repetitive.
B . Incorrect. Toil may or may not take a long time; its defining trait is the lack of enduring value.
C . Correct. This definition captures toil's repetitive, manual nature and its inability to create value.
D . Incorrect. While toil can be exhausting, this description doesn't encompass its lack of value.
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) by Google: Toil definition and its impact.
Agile principles: Focus on value-added activities.
Which BEST describes the goal of Lean?
The ultimate goal of Lean is to enhance customer value by improving processes and removing waste. Let's analyze the options:
A . Incorrect. While improving process flow and reducing cost are Lean benefits, they are not the primary goal.
B . Incorrect. Removing waste and defects is part of Lean practices but serves the larger goal of delivering value.
C . Incorrect. Eliminating unnecessary functionality is one aspect of Lean software development, not the broader goal of Lean principles.
D . Correct. Improving customer value aligns with Lean's central objective of delivering what the customer truly needs and values while minimizing waste.
Lean Thinking by Womack and Jones: Core principles emphasize customer value.
SAFe Framework: Lean Principles in scaled environments.
A team is working on a Sprint. A stakeholder requests that additional work be added to the Sprint Backlog. Who can approve or reject that request?
In Scrum, the Product Owner has the authority to manage the Product Backlog, including accepting or rejecting changes to the Sprint Backlog.
A . Incorrect. The team is responsible for delivering the work but does not control changes to the Sprint Backlog.
B . Incorrect. The Agile Service Manager is not a role in Scrum and does not make decisions about the Sprint Backlog.
C . Incorrect. The Agile Practice Owner is not a Scrum role.
D . Correct. The Product Owner ensures the Sprint Backlog aligns with the Sprint Goal and business priorities.
Scrum Guide 2020: The role of the Product Owner
Which of the following would NOT help sustain improvements?
Sustaining improvements in Agile Service Management requires fostering a culture of learning, feedback, and collaboration. Simply increasing the velocity of teams does not inherently sustain improvements and can sometimes lead to burnout if not managed properly.
A . Incorrect. Ongoing training equips employees with the skills needed to adapt to changes, which sustains improvements.
B . Correct. While increasing velocity is desirable, it does not directly sustain improvements and may have negative impacts without adequate support.
C . Incorrect. Sharing successes and lessons learned builds a culture of continuous improvement.
D . Incorrect. Soliciting feedback ensures that changes remain relevant and effective, a key factor in sustaining improvements.
ITIL 4: Continuous Improvement principles.
Scrum and Agile: Importance of sustainable delivery practices.