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A case can be withdrawn using a local action. You want to restrict the ability to withdraw a case to the user who created the case or any work group manager of the user. Select three rule types used in combination to achieve this functionality. (choose three)
To restrict the ability to withdraw a case to specific users, the following rule types can be used in combination:
Access When (Answer B):
Access of Role to Object (Answer D):
Privilege (Answer E):
A dispute case type has various stages, including collect, review, Reinburse, Chargeback, and Resolve.
In the production system, inflight cases exist in the chargeback stage. The Chargeback stage is moved to a new case type.
If the analyst advances the inflight cases, what error flow is initiated?
Identifying the Error Flow:
When stages are altered in a case type, in-flight cases can encounter issues if they try to advance to a now-missing stage.
pzStageProblems Flow:
This flow is initiated when there are problems advancing stages due to missing or reconfigured stages.
It helps to manage and resolve issues related to stage progression.
Pega Platform Case Management Documentation
Pega Academy Course on Advanced Case Design
In a production system, a queue processor is not running. What option might be the potential root cause?
Queue Processors in Pega: Queue processors are responsible for asynchronous processing of queued tasks. They can be configured to run on different types of nodes.
Types of Nodes:
Web user nodes: Handle user requests.
Real-time nodes: Handle real-time processing tasks.
Background nodes: Handle background processes such as agents and queue processors.
Stream nodes: Handle stream processing and Kafka services.
Potential Root Cause: If a queue processor is not running, it is likely due to an issue with the node type that handles background processes, which are the background nodes. If the background node is down, the queue processor will not function properly.
Pega documentation on node types and their functions.
Pega Platform 8.x help files related to queue processors and background processing.
Which of the following Skin rule customizations help satisfy the states requirements?
To satisfy requirements using Skin rule customizations:
In the Skin rule, configure the importance field for each column included in a repeating layout (Answer A):
In the Skin rule, configure the Column Layout and specify the width of the sidebar on desktops (Answer B):
In the Skin rule, configure the Column Layout and specify how the sidebar appears on tables and smartphones (Answer C):
XYZ Corp users are experiencing delays in the application that you suspect is related to the database.
Which two options do you recommend to isolate the issue? (Choose Two)
To isolate database-related performance issues:
Investigate when the database is used most heavily (B): Understanding peak usage times can help pinpoint when the database is under the most strain. This information is crucial for identifying potential bottlenecks and optimizing performance.
Lower query-time-related alert thresholds (C): By lowering the alert thresholds for query times, you can capture more detailed information about slow-running queries, helping to identify and address inefficient database operations.
Pega Performance: Database Performance and Tuning
Pega Alerts: Configuring Alerts and Thresholds