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In a decision strategy, to use a customer property in an expression, you
In a decision strategy, to use a customer property in an expression, you need to define Customer page in Pages & Classes and specify its class as Data-Customer. This allows you to access customer properties by using dot notation, such as Customer.Age or Customer.Gender. You do not need to define the property as a strategy property, use it without any prefix, or prefix it with the keyword Customer. Verified Reference: [Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant | Pega Academy], Decision strategies
U+ Bank, a retail bank, has purchased Pega Customer Decision Hub. The bank currently uses an external tool to design email content and a third-party email service provider to send emails to its customers.
As a decisioning architect, how do you recommend the bank implements this requirement?
U+ Bank is facing an unforeseen technical issue with its customer care system. As a result, the bank wants to share the new temporary contact details with all customers over an SMS.
Which type of outbound interaction do you configure to implement this requirement?
A priority communication is a type of outbound interaction that allows you to send urgent messages to customers that are not related to any specific offer or proposition. You can use priority communications to inform customers about important events or changes that affect their relationship with your organization. In this case, the bank wants to share the new temporary contact details with all customers over an SMS, so creating a priority communication is the best option. Verified Reference: [Pega Decisioning Consultant | Pega Academy]
l)+ Bank uses Pega Customer Decision Hub to approve credit card limit changes requested by customers automatically. A scorecard model determines the customer credit score. The automatic approval of credit card limits are processed based on the following criteria set by the bank.
The bank wants to change the threshold value for the USD2000 credit limit from <175 to <200. How do you implement this change?
The scorecard model determines the customer credit score based on various factors, such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, etc. The scorecard model has a Results tab where you can define the cutoff values for different segments based on the credit score. To change the threshold value for the USD2000 credit limit from <175 to <200, you need to change the cutoff value in the Results tab of the scorecard model. Changing the cutoff value in the scorecard decision component, changing the condition in the strategy, or mapping the score value in the decision strategy will not affect the credit score calculation or segmentation.
MyCo, a telecom company, notices that when customers call to check on bill status, 80% of the time, they received the wrong offer promotion, leading to customer dissatisfaction. The company decides to boost customers' needs in the prioritization formula, to improve sales in the current quarter.
Which arbitration factor do you configure to implement the requirement?
The arbitration factor is a parameter that allows you to adjust the weight of each factor in the prioritization expression, based on your business strategy and preferences. The arbitration factor is multiplied by the factor value to calculate the final priority score of each offer for each customer. If you want to boost customers' needs in the prioritization formula, you can increase the arbitration factor for the propensity, which is the factor that reflects the predicted customer behavior. The higher the arbitration factor for the propensity, the more influence it has on the priority score, making the offers that match customers' needs more likely to be selected and presented to the customer. Verified Reference: [Pega Decisioning Consultant | Pega Academy]