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Scenario 7: InfoSec is a multinational corporation headquartered in Boston, MA, which provides professional electronics, gaming, and entertainment services. After facing numerous information security incidents, InfoSec has decided to establish teams and implement measures to prevent potential incidents in the future
Emma, Bob. and Anna were hired as the new members of InfoSec's information security team, which consists of a security architecture team, an incident response team (IRT) and a forensics team Emma's job is to create information security plans, policies, protocols, and training to prepare InfoSec to respond to incidents effectively Emma and Bob would be full-time employees of InfoSec, whereas Anna was contracted as an external consultant.
Bob, a network expert, will deploy a screened subnet network architecture This architecture will isolate the demilitarized zone (OMZ) to which hosted public services are attached and InfoSec's publicly accessible resources from their private network Thus, InfoSec will be able to block potential attackers from causing unwanted events inside the company's network. Bob is also responsible for ensuring that a thorough evaluation of the nature of an unexpected event is conducted, including the details on how the event happened and what or whom it might affect.
Anna will create records of the data, reviews, analysis, and reports in order to keep evidence for the purpose of disciplinary and legal action, and use them to prevent future incidents. To do the work accordingly, she should be aware of the company's information security incident management policy beforehand
Among others, this policy specifies the type of records to be created, the place where they should be kept, and the format and content that specific record types should have.
Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
Based on his tasks, which team is Bob part of?
The application used by an organization has a complicated user interface. What does the complicated user interface represent in this case?
Scenario 2:
Beauty is a well-established cosmetics company in the beauty industry. The company was founded several decades ago with a passion for creating high-quality skincare, makeup, and personal care products that enhance natural beauty. Over the years, Beauty has built a strong reputation for its innovative product offerings, commitment to customer satisfaction, and dedication to ethical and sustainable business practices.
In response to the rapidly evolving landscape of consumer shopping habits, Beauty transitioned from traditional retail to an e-commerce model. To initiate this strategy, Beauty conducted a comprehensive information security risk assessment, analyzing potential threats and vulnerabilities associated with its new e-commerce venture, aligned with its business strategy and objectives.
Concerning the identified risks, the company implemented several information security controls. All employees were required to sign confidentiality agreements to emphasize the importance of protecting sensitive customer dat
a. The company thoroughly reviewed user access rights, ensuring only authorized personnel could access sensitive information. In addition, since the company stores valuable products and unique formulas in the warehouse, it installed alarm systems and surveillance cameras with real-time alerts to prevent any potential act of vandalism.
After a while, the information security team analyzed the audit logs to monitor and track activities across the newly implemented security controls. Upon investigating and analyzing the audit logs, it was discovered that an attacker had accessed the system due to out-of-date anti-malware software, exposing customers' sensitive information, including names and home addresses. Following this, the IT team replaced the anti-malware software with a new one capable of automatically removing malicious code in case of similar incidents. The new software was installed on all workstations and regularly updated with the latest malware definitions, with an automatic update feature enabled. An authentication process requiring user identification and a password was also implemented to access sensitive information.
During the investigation, Maya, the information security manager of Beauty, found that information security responsibilities in job descriptions were not clearly defined, for which the company took immediate action. Recognizing that their e-commerce operations would have a global reach, Beauty diligently researched and complied with the industry's legal, statutory, regulatory, and contractual requirements. It considered international and local regulations, including data privacy laws, consumer protection acts, and global trade agreements.
To meet these requirements, Beauty invested in legal counsel and compliance experts who continuously monitored and ensured the company's compliance with legal standards in every market they operated in. Additionally, Beauty conducted multiple information security awareness sessions for the IT team and other employees with access to confidential information, emphasizing the importance of system and network security.
What type of assets were compromised in Beauty's incident?
Scenario 3: Socket Inc is a telecommunications company offering mainly wireless products and services. It uses MongoDB. a document model database that offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility.
Last month, Socket Inc. reported an information security incident. A group of hackers compromised its MongoDB database, because the database administrators did not change its default settings, leaving it without a password and publicly accessible.
Fortunately. Socket Inc. performed regular information backups in their MongoDB database, so no information was lost during the incident. In addition, a syslog server allowed Socket Inc. to centralize all logs in one server. The company found out that no persistent backdoor was placed and that the attack was not initiated from an employee inside the company by reviewing the event logs that record user faults and exceptions.
To prevent similar incidents in the future, Socket Inc. decided to use an access control system that grants access to authorized personnel only. The company also implemented a control in order to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access The implementation was based on all relevant agreements, legislation, and regulations, and the information classification scheme. To improve security and reduce the administrative efforts, network segregation using VPNs was proposed.
Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats, and integrate information security into project management.
Based on the scenario above, answer the following question:
Which security control does NOT prevent information security incidents from recurring?
Information backup is a corrective control that aims to restore the information in case of data loss, corruption, or deletion. It does not prevent information security incidents from recurring, but rather mitigates their impact. The other options are preventive controls that reduce the likelihood of information security incidents by limiting the access to authorized personnel, segregating the networks, and using cryptography. These controls can help Socket Inc. avoid future attacks on its MongoDB database by addressing the vulnerabilities that were exploited by the hackers.
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 8.13 -- Information Backup1
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 8.1 -- Access Control Policy2
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 8.2 -- User Access Management3
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 8.3 -- User Responsibilities4
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 8.4 -- System and Application Access Control
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 8.5 -- Cryptography
ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 8.6 -- Network Security Management