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You work for organisation
In this scenario, the organisation A has two plants, A1 and A2, but the production in A2 was discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the plant was rented to another organisation B. There are no A employees working in A2, and the organisation A expects to reassume production in A2 as soon as possible. Therefore, the appropriate action to plan the internal audit of A's quality management system is:
*Interview the A2 plant manager, now working in Plant A1: This action involves interviewing the person who is responsible for the management and operation of the plant A2, and who is currently working in the plant A1. The interview should aim to gather information about the status and condition of the plant A2, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality management system, the arrangements and agreements with the organisation B, and the plans and actions to resume production in the plant A25 . This action is relevant and necessary for the internal audit, as it can help to assess the readiness and effectiveness of the quality management system, and to identify any gaps or nonconformities that need to be addressed.
The other options are not appropriate actions to plan the internal audit of A's quality management system, according to the web search results from my internal tool. They are:
*Visit Plant A2 to interview personnel of company B: This action involves visiting the plant A2 and interviewing the personnel of the organisation B, who are not related to the organisation A and who are not part of the quality management system. This action is irrelevant and unnecessary for the internal audit, as it can not provide any evidence or information about the conformity and improvement of the quality management system of the organisation A5 .
*Visit Plant A2 to interview B's quality manager: This action involves visiting the plant A2 and interviewing the quality manager of the organisation B, who is not related to the organisation A and who is not part of the quality management system. This action is irrelevant and unnecessary for the internal audit, as it can not provide any evidence or information about the conformity and improvement of the quality management system of the organisation A5 .
*Visit Plant A2 to interview A's security personnel and B's maintenance department: This action involves visiting the plant A2 and interviewing the security personnel of the organisation A and the maintenance department of the organisation B, who are not directly involved in the quality management system. This action is irrelevant and unnecessary for the internal audit, as it can not provide any evidence or information about the conformity and improvement of the quality management system of the organisation A5 .
Therefore, the correct answer is D.
You are carrying out an audit at a single-site organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The
organisation manufactures cosmetics for major retailers and the name of the retailer supplied appears on the product
packaging. Sales turnover has increased significantly over the past five years. The organisation uses a software programme called SWIFT, which is used to record sales, plan production, purchase supplies, print despatch notes, track new product development, perform traceability exercises, carry out mass balance checks, raise invoices, create budgets, and support financial control.
You are nearing the end of the audit and you are reviewing your audit notes. You notice a recurring trend concerning the SWIFT database as shown below:
You ask the Quality Manager to explain how the SWIFT database is controlled. You learn that the Operations Director is
responsible for determining and progressing SWIFT software updates. You decide to meet the Operations Director (OD).
You: "Good afternoon."
OD: "Good afternoon."
You: "What responsibility do you have concerning the SWIFT database?"
OD: "I maintain it. If anyone wishes to propose an update to the database, they send me an email with
details of their proposal. I then either process the database update myself, or I send the request to the
consultant who designed the database 20 years ago. The necessary software changes are made, and the
amended software is immediately released to users."
You: "Would you explain how the software amendments are controlled?"
OD: "Of course. I personally update every computer myself."
You: "Do you inform the database users of the changes?"
OD: "No I don't. They find out for themselves by using the software, or they come to see me if they have
any questions."
You: "How do you ensure that the database users use the latest version?"
OD: "That's easy, I update every computer myself."
You: "During the audit, I noted there were several versions of SWIFT in use (you refer to your audit
OD: "I know. That's because some versions work better than others, and depending on user needs and
experiences, we allow users to revert to using an earlier version if they find it works better for them."
Based on the scenario, which two of the following statements are true? There is evidence of
nonconformity with a requirement defined in ...
Based on the scenario provided, there is evidence of nonconformity with the requirements defined in:
C . Clause 7.5.1 Documented information - General: The scenario indicates that there is no formal process for informing users about updates to the SWIFT database, which suggests a lack of control over documented information. This could lead to users being unaware of important changes and not using the latest version of the software, which is required by the quality management system1.
E . Clause 7.5.3 Control of documented information: The Operations Director's approach to updating the SWIFT database and the lack of communication to users about these updates indicate that the documented information is not adequately controlled. Allowing users to revert to earlier versions of the software at their discretion further suggests that the organization does not have a proper mechanism in place to ensure the integrity and suitability of documented information2.
These clauses are part of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, which requires organizations to have a systematic approach to controlling and managing documented information as part of their quality management system. The scenario described shows a casual approach to managing critical software updates, which could affect the organization's ability to consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements.
The Closing meeting of a second-party audit was planned for 6 pm with the general manager and the quality manager.
At 6 pm, when the audit team enters the meeting room, only the Quality Manager is present and walting for them.
The dialogue among them is as follows:
Auditor team leader: "Good evening, could you please inform the general manager that we are ready to start with the closing meeting?"
Quality manager: "Good evening. I am sorry to inform you that the general manager will not be able to attend the meeting. He will try to
participate virtually to make some closing remarks."
Auditor team leader: "OK. We identified seven nonconformities - these are the reports. Could you please review them and sign them?"
Quality manager: "OK. As you know, I reviewed them after yesterday's meeting and accept of all them, where shall I sign?"
General manager (from speakers in the room and addressing the quality manager): "Hold on! Do not sign the two nonconformities related to ABC
Bank! I have just checked, and we did not provide any services to ABC Bank during September! You can sign the remaining five nonconformities."
How would you proceed with the audit? Select one.
At the end of a second-party audit, the audit team enters the meeting room to hold the closing meeting; only two people
are present and waiting for them: the Health and Safety supervisor and the administrative officer. Neither has participated in
the audit. However, the team had previously agreed with the auditee Quality Manager on two nonconformities identified
during the audit (NC1 and NC2).
They said:
Health and Safety supervisor: "Good evening. We are sorry to inform you that the general manager was involved in a
serious car accident, and the other two managers have had to leave urgently to attend to the emergency."
Administration officer: "Our quality manager, before leaving, left a written message about 'NC2'. He declares that the
correction and corrective action have been already implemented and has attached some documents to the message as
evidence of these actions. Therefore, he expects that 'NC2' will not be included in the report."
Which one of the following would be your preferred answer to the Quallty Manager's request?
ABC is a service organisation that cleans and irons bed and table linen for four large hospitals in the city centre. It claims to meet ISO 9001:2015 requirements. During an internal audit, an auditor observes that
machine No. 4 is being operated with the three variables outside the limits established in the applicable documented procedure SP-701. The auditor has decided to raise a nonconformity.
Which six elements should be included in the nonconformity report?
B . Applicable procedure: SP-701
D . Identification number of the washing machine
H . The concentration of the cleaning liquid used vs the concentration fixed in SP-701
I . The planned duration of the process vs the minimum time required in SP-701
J . Weight of linen being washed vs the maximum weight required in SP-701
C . Competence record of the machine operator