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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Palo Alto Networks in their Palo Alto Networks PCSFE exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Palo Alto Networks Certified Software Firewall Engineer Exam exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Palo Alto Networks PCSFE exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Which technology allows for granular control of east-west traffic in a software-defined network?
What is a benefit of CN-Series firewalls securing traffic between pods and other workload types?
A benefit of CN-Series firewalls securing traffic between pods and other workload types is that it allows for automatic deployment, provisioning, and immediate policy enforcement without any manual intervention. CN-Series firewalls are integrated with Kubernetes and use the Kubernetes API server to get information about pod labels, namespaces, services, and network policies. CN-Series firewalls can also use Panorama or Terraform to automate the configuration and management of security policies. Reference: [CN-Series Deployment Guide]
Which Palo Alto Networks firewall provides network security when deploying a microservices-based application?
With which two private cloud environments does Palo Alto Networks have deep integrations? (Choose two.)
The two private cloud environments that Palo Alto Networks have deep integrations with are:
VMware NSX-T
Cisco ACI
A private cloud environment is a cloud computing service that provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS) or platform as a service (PaaS) to customers within a private network or data center. A private cloud environment requires network security that can protect the traffic between different virtual machines (VMs) or other resources from cyberattacks and enforce granular security policies based on application, user, content, and threat information. Palo Alto Networks have deep integrations with VMware NSX-T and Cisco ACI, which are two private cloud environments that provide network virtualization, automation, and security for cloud-native applications. VMware NSX-T is a private cloud environment that provides software-defined networking (SDN) and security for heterogeneous endpoints and workloads across multiple hypervisors, containers, bare metal servers, or clouds. Cisco ACI is a private cloud environment that provides application-centric infrastructure (ACI) and security for physical and virtual endpoints across multiple data centers or clouds. Palo Alto Networks have deep integrations with VMware NSX-T and Cisco ACI by enabling features such as dynamic address groups, service insertion, policy redirection, service chaining, orchestration, monitoring, logging, and automation for VM-Series firewalls and Panorama on these platforms. Dell APEX and Nutanix are not private cloud environments that Palo Alto Networks have deep integrations with, but they are related platforms that can be used for other purposes. Reference: [Palo Alto Networks Certified Software Firewall Engineer (PCSFE)], [Deploy the VM-Series Firewall on VMware NSX-T], [Deploy the VM-Series Firewall on Cisco ACI], [What is VMware NSX-T?], [What is Cisco ACI?]