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Given a default deployment of Console, a customer needs to identify the alerted compliance checks that are set by default.
Where should the customer navigate in Console?
In the context of Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks, the correct navigation to identify alerted compliance checks set by default is under the 'Defend' section, specifically at 'Defend > Compliance.' This section is designed to allow users to configure and manage compliance policies and rules, monitor compliance statuses, and review alerts related to compliance violations. The 'Defend' section is tailored for setting up defenses, including compliance standards, against potential security risks within the cloud environment, making it the logical location for managing and reviewing compliance-related alerts and settings.
Which three incident types will be reflected in the Incident Explorer section of Runtime Defense? (Choose three.)
This section describes the incident types surfaced in Incident Explorer.
Altered binary
Backdoor admin accounts
Backdoor SSH access
Brute force
Crypto miners
Execution flow hijack attempt
Kubernetes attack
Lateral movement
Port scanning
Reverse shell
Suspicious binary
You are an existing customer of Prisma Cloud Enterprise. You want to onboard a public cloud account and immediately see all of the alerts associated with this account based off ALL of your tenant's existing enabled policies. There is no requirement to send alerts from this account to a downstream application at this time.
Which option shows the steps required during the alert rule creation process to achieve this objective?
To immediately see all alerts associated with a newly onboarded public cloud account based on existing enabled policies, it is essential to assign the account to an account group and then create an alert rule that applies to this account group. By selecting 'select all policies,' the alert rule will trigger alerts for all existing enabled policies without the need to specify individual policies or add alert notifications for downstream applications.
Which categories does the Adoption Advisor use to measure adoption progress for Cloud Security Posture Management?
The Adoption Advisor uses four categories to measure adoption progress for Cloud Security Posture Management: Visibility, Compliance, Governance, and Threat Detection and Response. Visibility helps to identify the resources in the environment and to ensure that security controls are in place. Compliance helps to ensure that the environment is meeting regulatory and industry standards. Governance helps to ensure that the environment is secure and managed according to policy. Threat Detection and Response helps to detect and respond to threats quickly and effectively.
The Adoption Advisor in Prisma Cloud uses categories such as Visibility, Compliance, Governance, and Threat Detection and Response to measure adoption progress for Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). These categories represent key areas of focus for effectively managing and securing cloud environments. Visibility refers to the ability to see and understand all cloud resources and their configurations. Compliance involves ensuring that cloud resources comply with regulatory standards and best practices. Governance encompasses the policies and procedures that control cloud resource usage and security. Threat Detection and Response involves identifying and mitigating security threats to the cloud environment. By measuring adoption progress across these categories, organizations can assess how well they are utilizing CSPM capabilities to secure their cloud environments.
Which set of steps is the correct process for obtaining Console images for Prisma Cloud Compute Edition?
Prisma Cloud, part of Palo Alto Networks' cloud security suite, offers Console images that can be retrieved for deployment in various environments. The correct process for obtaining these images involves using basic authentication with Docker, a widely-used containerization platform. Users must first access the official Palo Alto Networks registry at Here, they are required to authenticate using the 'docker login' command, which prompts for credentials. Upon successful authentication, users can then use the 'docker pull' command to retrieve the Prisma Cloud Console images. This method ensures secure access to the latest Console images for deployment within an organization's infrastructure, aligning with best practices for container image management and deployment.