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Challenge 1
Implement Private DNS Names and Private DNS Resolver
Deploy a Serverless Function and Access Using an API Gateway
Deployment in OCI
You have joined ACME as their new Cloud Solutions Architect. Your organization wants to verify if
they can execute their microservices deployed as serverless functions on another cloud provider
using Oracle Functions in OCI.
To complete this requirement, you are provided with the following:
* Access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials.
* Access to Cloud Shell to execute the Fn CLI and Docker commands.
* Code for a sample Python function,
* Permissions to perform only the tasks within the challenge.
Note: Throughout your exam, ensure to use assigned Compartment99248134-
C01 and Region us-ashburn-1
Complete the following tasks in the provisioned OCI environment:
1. Create a new VCN with the name exam-vcn within your assigned compartment by using the
Start VCN Wizard.
2. Create a new Oracle Functions application named exam-app within your assigned
compartment by using the private subnet in your previously created VCN.
Ensure you use all defaults provided with the Create VCN with Internet Connectivity option.
Here are the steps to complete the challenge:
To create a new VCN with the name exam-vcn within your assigned compartment by using the Start VCN Wizard, follow these steps:
In the OCI Console, go to Networking and click Virtual Cloud Networks.
Select your assigned compartment from the list on the left.
Click Start VCN Wizard.
Select Create VCN with Internet Connectivity and click Start VCN Wizard.
Enter exam-vcn as the VCN Name and leave the other fields as default. Click Next.
Review the summary and click Create. This will create a VCN with a public subnet, a private subnet, an internet gateway, a NAT gateway, a service gateway, and a route table.
To create a new Oracle Functions application named exam-app within your assigned compartment by using the private subnet in your previously created VCN, follow these steps:
In the OCI Console, go to Developer Services and click Functions.
Select your assigned compartment from the list on the left.
Click Create Application.
Enter exam-app as the Application Name and select your previously created VCN from the VCN dropdown menu.
Select the private subnet from the Subnet dropdown menu and leave the other fields as default. Click Create. This will create an Oracle Functions application that can run serverless functions in a private subnet.
Challenge 2 - Task 2 of 5
Deploy a Serverless Function and Access Using an API Gateway
Deployment in OCI
You have joined ACME as their new Cloud Solutions Architect. Your organization wants to verify if
they can execute their microservices deployed as serverless functions on another cloud provider
using Oracle Functions in OCI.
To complete this requirement, you are provided with the following:
* Access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials.
* Access to Cloud Shell to execute the Fn CLI and Docker commands.
* Code for a sample Python function,
* Permissions to perform only the tasks within the challenge.
Note: Throughout your exam, ensure to use assigned Compartment 99248134-
C01and Region us-ashburn-1
Complete the following task:
In the field below, write an IAM policy statement that allows API Gateway to access Oracle Functions
in your compartment.
One possible IAM policy statement that allows API Gateway to access Oracle Functions in your compartment is:
ALLOW any-user to use functions-family in compartment <your-compartment-name> where ALL {request.principal.type = 'ApiGateway', = '<your-compartment-OCID>'}
Deploy a Serverless Function and Access Using an API Gateway
Deployment in OCI
You have joined ACME as their new Cloud Solutions Architect. Your organization wants to verify if
they can execute their microservices deployed as serverless functions on another cloud provider
using Oracle Functions in OCI.
To complete this requirement, you are provided with the following:
* Access to an OCI Tenancy, an assigned compartment, and OCI credentials.
* Access to Cloud Shell to execute the Fn CLI and Docker commands.
* Code for a sample Python function,
* Permissions to perform only the tasks within the challenge.
Note: Throughout your exam, ensure to use assigned Compartment 99248134-
C01 and Region us-ashburn-1
Complete the following tasks in the provisioned OCI environment:
1. Set up the context for Fn CLI and deploy the python function to exam-app.
a. Set up the Fn CLI context in Cloud Shell
i. Set your region and your assigned compartment
ii. Set your registry [repo-name-prefix], which must
be: [region_key][tenancy-name]/{username}
For example, if your tenancy is ocuocictrng19, user name is 99346163-
lab.user02 and region is US East Ashburn, your registry must
Your username is 99248134-lab.user01
Your tenancy is ocuocictrng16
b. Login to the registry using docker login, which will require you to generate and use
an Auth Token
c. Use wget
upload the zip archive containing the Python function files to Cloud Shell.
d. Extract the files by using the unzip utility and navigate to the python sub-folder
e. Deploy the python function to the exam-app using an fn command
f. Invoke the function at least 2 times using an fn command
To complete the task of setting up the context for Fn CLI and deploying the python function to exam-app, you can follow these steps:
a. Set up the Fn CLI context in Cloud Shell - In the OCI Console, go to Developer Services and click Functions. - Select your assigned compartment from the list on the left. - Click Getting Started on the top right corner. - Copy and paste the commands from the Set Up Fn CLI Context section into the Cloud Shell window. This will create a new context for your region and compartment. - Set your registry [repo-name-prefix] by entering the following command in the Cloud Shell window:
`fn update context registry [region_key][tenancy-name]/{username}`
where [region_key] is the region key for your region (for example, iad for US East Ashburn), [tenancy-name] is the name of your tenancy (for example, ocuocictrng16), and {username} is your username (for example, 99248134-lab.user01).
For example, if your region is US East Ashburn, your tenancy is ocuocictrng16, and your username is 99248134-lab.user01, your command would be:
`fn update context registry`
b. Login to the registry using docker login, which will require you to generate and use an Auth Token - To generate an Auth Token, follow these steps: - In the OCI Console, open the Profile menu on the top right corner and click User Settings. - Click Auth Tokens on the left panel and then click Generate Token. - Enter a description for the token and click Generate Token. - Copy and save the token value. You will not be able to see it again later. - To login to the registry using docker login, follow these steps: - In the Cloud Shell window, enter the following command:
`docker login [region_key]`
where [region_key] is the region key for your region (for example, iad for US East Ashburn).
For example, if your region is US East Ashburn, your command would be:
`docker login`
- Enter your username in the format `[tenancy-name]/oracleidentitycloudservice/{username}` (for example, ocuocictrng16/oracleidentitycloudservice/99248134-lab.user01) and press Enter.
- Enter your Auth Token as the password and press Enter. You should see a message saying 'Login Succeeded'.
c. Use wget upload the zip archive containing the Python function files to Cloud Shell. - In the Cloud Shell window, enter the following command:
This will download the zip archive to your current directory.
d. Extract the files by using the unzip utility and navigate to the python sub-folder - In the Cloud Shell window, enter the following commands:
`cd ExamFunction-main/python`
This will extract the files from the zip archive and change your current directory to the python sub-folder.
e. Deploy the python function to the exam-app using an fn command - In the Cloud Shell window, enter the following command:
`fn deploy --app exam-app --local`
This will deploy the python function to the exam-app application using your local Docker image.
f. Invoke the function at least 2 times using an fn command - In the Cloud Shell window, enter the following command:
`fn invoke exam-app hellopython`
This will invoke the function and print its output.
- You can invoke the function again by repeating the same command or pressing Up Arrow and Enter keys. You should see different outputs each time you invoke the function.
A large E-commerce company is looking to run seasonal workloads in Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure. The Oracle database used by their E-commerce application can use up to 52
cores at peak workloads. Due to the seasonal nature of the business, the database will be not
be used for 10 months in a year and can also be shut down during non-business hours.
Option C is incorrect because using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Virtual Machine DB Systems is not optimal for running seasonal workloads in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Virtual Machine DB Systems are flexible and cost-effective database systems that can run single-node or RAC databases with different shapes and versions. However, they are not serverless or elastic, and they do not support stopping and starting the database. They are more suitable for development, testing, or production workloads that require moderate performance and availability .
Option D is incorrect because using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Bare Metal DB Systems is not optimal for running seasonal workloads in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Bare Metal DB Systems are high-performance database systems that run single-node databases with locally attached NVMe storage. However, they are not serverless or elastic, and they do not support stopping and starting the database. They are more suitable for high-performance, latency-sensitive, specialized, or traditional workloads that require full control over the entire cloud stack .
You are working as a solution architect with a global automotive provider who is looking to
create a multi-cloud solution. They want to run their application tier in * Deploy the Oracle
database system into a public subnet in your VCN and assign a public IP address. Connect your
application tier running in Azure to the public IP address of the database system over the
Microsoft Azure while utilizing the Oracle DB Systems in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
What is the most-fault tolerant and secure solution for this customer? (Choose the best answer.)