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Your company will soon start moving critical systems Into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) platform. These systems will reside in the us-phoenix-1and us-ashburn 1 regions. As part of the migration planning, you are reviewing the company's existing security policies and written guidelines for the OCI platform usage within the company. you have to work with the company managed key.
Which two options ensure compliance with this policy?
Block Volume Encryption
By default all volumes and their backups are encrypted using the Oracle-provided encryption keys. Each time a volume is cloned or restored from a backup the volume is assigned a new unique encryption key.
You have the option to encrypt all of your volumes and their backups using the keys that you own and manage using the Vault service.If you do not configure a volume to use the Vault service or you later
unassign a key from the volume, the Block Volume service uses the Oracle-provided encryption key instead.
This applies to both encryption at-rest and in-transit encryption.
Object Storage Encryption
Object Storage employs 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) to encrypt object data on the server. Each object is encrypted with its own data encryption key. Data encryption keys are always encrypted with a master encryption key that is assigned to the bucket. Encryption is enabled by default and cannot be turned off. By default, Oracle manages the master encryption key. However, you can optionally configure a bucket so that it's assigned an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault master encryption key that you control and rotate on your own schedule.
Encryption: Buckets are encrypted with keys managed by Oracle by default, but you can optionally encrypt the data in this bucket using your own Vault encryption key. To use Vault for your encryption needs, select Encrypt Using Customer-Managed Keys. Then, select the Vault Compartment and Vault that contain the master encryption key you want to use. Also select the Master Encryption Key Compartment and Master Encryption Key.
You are trying to troubleshoot the configuration of your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Load Balancing service. You have a backend HTTP service for which you have created a backend set in the load balancer. You have configured health checks for the backend set. Although the health checks appear good, customers sometimes experience transaction failures.
Which of the following options will definitely lead to this problem?
You are a solutions architect for a global health care company which has numerous data centers around the globe. Due to the ever growing data that your company is storing, you were Instructed to set up a durable, cost effective solution to archive you data from your existing on-premises tape based backup Infrastructure to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
What is the most-effective mechanism to Implement this requirement?
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers two distinct storage tiers for you to store your unstructured data. Use the Object Storage Standard tier for data to which you need fast, immediate, and frequent access. Use the Archive Storage service's Archive tier for data that you access infrequently, but which must be preserved for long periods of time. Both storage tiers use the same manageable resources (for example, objects and buckets). The difference is that when you upload a file to Archive Storage, the object is immediately archived. Before you can access an archived object, you must first restore the object to the Standard tier.
you can use Storage Gateway to move files to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Archive Storage as a cost effective backup solution. You can move individual files and compressed or uncompressed ZIP or TAR
archives. Storing secondary copies of data is an ideal use case for Storage Gateway.
You are working on the migration of the web application infrastructure of your company from on-premises to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You need to ensure that the DNS cache entries of external clients will not direct them to the on-premises infrastructure after switching to the new infrastructure.
Which of the following options will minimize this problem?
You have designed and deployed your Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) such that it is accessible from your on-premises data center and servers running on both private and public networks in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
As you are testing the connectivity to your ADW database from the different access paths, you notice that the sewer lunninq on the private network is unable to connect to ADW.
Which two steps do you need to take to enable connectivity from the server on the private network to ADW?
There are 3 connections to ADW
1- Connecting to (ADW) from Public Internet
2- Connecting to ADW (via NAT or Service Gateway) from a server running on a private subnet in OCI (in the same tenancy)
3- Connecting to ADW (via internet Gateway) from a server running on a public subnet in OCI (in the same tenancy