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An Autonomous Database (ADB) user with an instance wallet has left the company and they shared a database user id with other users when accessing ADB.
Other than changing the shared user password, what can the admin do to protect the instance?
What is the maximum number of days that an Autonomous Database Refreshable Clone can be trailing its source instance?
You are the admin user of an Autonomous Database (ADB) instance. A new business analyst has joined the team and would like to explore ADB tables using SQL Developer Web.
What steps do you need to take?
Which three Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) resources do you need to configure before provisioning your Autonomous Database with Private Endpoint?
To provision anAutonomous Databasewith a private endpoint, you must have the following resources already created:
A VCN within the region that will contain yourAutonomous Databasewithshared Exadata infrastructure. Cannot be changed after provisioning.
At least 1 network security group (NSG) within your VCN for theAutonomous Database. Can be changed or edited after provisioning.
Which statement is correct about the Service console in an Autonomous Database?