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Which statement is true about migration?
The answer is B because a bottom-up migration is a strategy for modularizing an existing application by moving its dependencies to the module path one by one, starting from the lowest-level libraries and ending with the application itself. This way, each module can declare its dependencies on other modules using the file, and benefit from the features of the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), such as reliable configuration, strong encapsulation, and service loading.
Option A is incorrect because a top-down migration is a strategy for modularizing an existing application by moving it to the module path first, along with its dependencies as automatic modules. Automatic modules are non-modular JAR files that are treated as modules with some limitations, such as not having a module descriptor or a fixed name. A top-down migration allows the application to use the module path without requiring all of its dependencies to be modularized first.
Option C is incorrect because a top-down migration does not require any specific order of migrating modules, as long as the application is moved first and its dependencies are moved as automatic modules. A bottom-up migration, on the other hand, requires the required modules to migrate before the modules that depend on them.
Option D is incorrect because unnamed modules are not automatic modules in any migration strategy. Unnamed modules are modules that do not have a name or a module descriptor, such as classes loaded from the class path or dynamically generated classes. Unnamed modules have unrestricted access to all other modules, but they cannot be accessed by named modules, except through reflection with reduced security checks.Reference:
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide
Migrating to Modules (How and When) - JavaDeploy
Java 9 Modularity: Patterns and Practices for Developing Maintainable Applications
Given the code fragment:
Which code fragment returns different values?
The answer is C because the code fragment uses a different syntax and logic for the reduce operation than the other options. The reduce method in option C takes a single parameter, which is a BinaryOperator that combines two elements of the stream into one. The method returns an Optional, which may or may not contain a value depending on whether the stream is empty or not. The code fragment then adds 5 to the result of the reduce method, regardless of whether it is present or not. This may cause an exception if the Optional is empty, or produce a different value than the other options if the Optional is not empty.
The other options use a different syntax and logic for the reduce operation. They all take two parameters, which are an identity value and a BinaryOperator that combines an element of the stream with an accumulator. The method returns the final accumulator value, which is equal to the identity value if the stream is empty, or the result of applying the BinaryOperator to all elements of the stream otherwise. The code fragments then add 5 to the result of the reduce method, which will always produce a valid value.
For example, suppose listOfNumbers contains [1, 2, 3]. Then, option A will perform the following steps:
Initialize accumulator to identity value 5
Apply BinaryOperator Integer::sum to accumulator and first element: 5 + 1 = 6
Update accumulator to 6
Apply BinaryOperator Integer::sum to accumulator and second element: 6 + 2 = 8
Update accumulator to 8
Apply BinaryOperator Integer::sum to accumulator and third element: 8 + 3 = 11
Update accumulator to 11
Return final accumulator value 11
Add 5 to final accumulator value: 11 + 5 = 16
Option B will perform the same steps as option A, except using a lambda expression instead of a method reference for the BinaryOperator. Option D will perform the same steps as option A, except using parallelStream instead of stream, which may change the order of applying the BinaryOperator but not the final result. Option E will perform the same steps as option A, except using identity value 0 instead of 5.
Option C, however, will perform the following steps:
Apply BinaryOperator Integer::sum to first and second element: 1 + 2 = 3
Apply BinaryOperator Integer::sum to previous result and third element: 3 + 3 = 6
Return Optional containing final result value 6
Add 5 to Optional value: Optional.of(6) + 5 = Optional.of(11)
As you can see, option C produces a different value than the other options, and also uses a different syntax and logic for the reduce operation.Reference:
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide
Given the directory structure:
Given the definition of the Doc class:
Which two are valid definition of the wordDoc class?
Assuming that the data, txt file exists and has the following content:
Given the code fragment:
What is the result?
The answer is D because the code fragment reads the file ''data.txt'' and collects all the lines in the file into a single string, separated by hyphens. Then, it prints the resulting string. Next, it attempts to read the fourth line in the file (index 3) and print it. However, since the file only has three lines, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.Reference:
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide
Read contents of a file using Files class in Java