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Identify three ways in which the Fair Share Scheduler can be assigned.
While examining an Oracle Solaris 11 system, you discover an unfamiliar ELF binary in the /usr/bin directory. You want to know which package installed the binary. Which pkg subcommand should you use to identify the package, based on the absolute path to the binary?
Your company requires all nonglobal zones to have a limit on the number of processes. The policy is designed to prevent runaway processes from impacting the global zone and other nonglobal zones. To set a limit on processes, you set the following controls:
name: zone.max-processes
value: (priv=privileged,limit=1000,action=none)
name: zone.max-lwps
value: (priv=privileged,limit=5000,action=deny)
You must now enable system logging for the zone.max-processes resource control to record when the limit is exceeded. Which command enables system logging for a resource control?
The default route for the NCP static is changed with the following command sequence:
When does the entered route take effect?