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Solaris 11 includes a redesigned software packaging model: the Image Packaging system.
Which three describe advantages of the Image Packaging System over the previous Solaris 10 SVR4 packaging model?
Your system is assigned an IP address object However, the net mask --- expressed as four octets --- is required. Which is the correct netmask?
A 24-bit network mask is expressed as
View the Exhibit to inspect the boot environment Information displayed within a non global zone on your system.
Which two options describe the solaris-1 boot environment?
A: The -- of the Active Column indicates that this boot environment is inactive, and hence not bootable.
Note: The values for the Active column are as follows:
R -- Active on reboot.
N -- Active now.
NR -- Active now and active on reboot.
''-'' -- Inactive.
''!'' -- Unbootable boot environments in a non-global zone are represented by an exclamation point.
You are planning group names for a new system. You decide to use a numbering convention that includes the year and month the project began, to form the group number and name for work associated with that project.
So, for example, a project targeted to begin in January, 2013 would have the number (name):
What are the two problems with your plan?
C: The Group ID (GID) field contains the group's numerical ID. GIDs can be assigned whole numbers between 100 and 60000.
D: Group names contain only lowercase characters and numbers.
Your mentor suggests using the dladm rename-link command to rename the network datalinks.
What are the two advantages of following this advice?
Note: dladm rename-link [-R root-dir] link new-link
Rename link to new-link. This is used to give a link a meaningful name, or to associate existing link configuration such as link properties of a removed device with a new device.