Free Oracle 1Z0-770 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for 1Z0-770 were last updated On Feb 18, 2025

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Question No. 1

A Page Computation can be created from which two of the following tabs?

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Correct Answer: A, B

A Page Computation can be created from two tabs in Page Designer: Rendering Tree and Processing. In the Rendering Tree tab, you can create a Pre-Rendering Computation or a Post-Rendering Computation by right-clicking on these nodes under your page node. In the Processing tab, you can create an After Submit Computation by right-clicking on this node under your page node. Dynamic Actions and Shared Components are not tabs in Page Designer, but sections in Application Builder where you can create other types of components for your application

Question No. 2

Which three are the main components of APEX workspace homepage?

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Correct Answer: A, C, D

The main components of an APEX workspace homepage are:

Gallery: This component displays various sample applications, blueprints, plug-ins, themes, and learning resources that you can use to get started with Oracle APEX.

SQL Workshop: This component allows you to view and manage the database objects in your schema, such as tables, views, indexes, etc. You can also use this component to run SQL queries or scripts, load or unload data from the database, generate DDL statements, view object reports, and restore dropped objects.

App Builder: This component allows you to create and edit your applications using the Create Application Wizard or the Page Designer. You can also use this component to import or export applications from files or URLs, run or debug applications, manage application settings, and access various utilities.

The other option is incorrect because:

RESTful Services: This component is not part of the APEX workspace homepage. It is part of the SQL Workshop component. It allows you to create and manage RESTful web services based on your database objects or SQL queries.

Verified References: [About the Workspace Home Page] [About SQL Workshop] [About App Builder]

Question No. 3

Which two tasks can you perform using App Builder?

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Correct Answer: C, D

App Builder is the main interface of Oracle APEX that allows developers to create and manage web applications. App Builder provides various features and tools to design, develop, test, debug, deploy, and maintain applications. Some of the tasks that you can perform using App Builder are importing previously exported apps, creating new apps from scratch or from predefined templates or blueprints, editing app properties and attributes, adding pages and regions, creating shared components, running and debugging apps, exporting apps to files or workspaces, etc. You cannot create join queries using drag and drop or generate DDL statements from the Oracle data dictionary using App Builder. Verified References: [Using App Builder - Oracle Help Center], [App Builder Concepts - Oracle Help Center]

Question No. 5

Choose the three supported spatial geometry objects in Maps.

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Correct Answer: A, B, D

A map is a type of component that enables users to view and manage data based on geographic locations. A map consists of a background map and spatial geometry objects that are sourced from data in a table or from a REST data source. Spatial geometry objects are shapes that represent real-world features on a map, such as points, lines, polygons, or heat maps. Three of the supported spatial geometry objects in Oracle APEX are:

Polygons: A polygon is a closed shape that consists of three or more vertices connected by straight line segments. A polygon can represent an area on a map, such as a country, a state, a city, or a building. A polygon can have different colors, patterns, or borders to indicate different attributes or categories of the data.

Heat map: A heat map is a type of visualization that uses color gradients to show the density or intensity of data values in a geographic area. A heat map can represent the distribution or variation of a numeric variable on a map, such as population, income, crime rate, or temperature.

Points: A point is a zero-dimensional shape that represents a single location on a map. A point can have different symbols, sizes, or colors to indicate different attributes or categories of the data. A point can also have a label or a tooltip to display additional information about the data.