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A City Administration app has two select lists (LOVs). P1__STATE is based on "STATE" and P1_CITY is based on "CITY."
The cities table includes both the state and city columns.
When a state is selected, the application should display only cities within the selected state, not all cities.
How can you limit the cities to display only those for the selected state?
Michael has developed an app for tracking product defects. His navigation menu lists each product. He has defined application items and computations to hold the number of defects for each product.
For example, for Hedgers, he has defined the application item HEDGER_DEFECT.
How can Michael add the number of open defects in the navigation menu entries?
Mary wants to add feedback to an application. She uses the Create Page Wizard, selects Features, and then selects Feedback.
The wizard adds a feedback entry to the navigation bar and creates new pages. In her application, under Administration to review and disposition the feedback.
Which statement is true about feedback data?
Ellie has two related interactive grids on a page. Which two steps must she perform to create a master detail relationship between them?