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A customer has a Stock Watch application that publishes stock recommendations to different customers and programs. The stock recommendation message should be processed by only one of the JMS Servers in the cluster. Which JMS model should be used?
JMS queue
A staging area that contains messages that have been sent and are waiting to be read. Note that, contrary to what the namequeuesuggests, messages don't have to be delivered in the order sent. A JMS queue only guarantees that each message is processed only once.
Not B: (Only one queue required)
* A distributed destination is a set of destinations (queues or topics) that are accessible as a single, logical destination to a client. A distributed destination has the following characteristics:
It is referenced by its own JNDI name.
Members of the set are usually distributed across multiple servers within a cluster, with each destination member belonging to a separate JMS server.
* A distributed queue is a set of physical JMS queue members. As such, a distributed queue can be used to create aQueueSender,QueueReceiver, and aQueueBrowser. The fact that a distributed queue represents multiple physical queues is mostly transparent to your application.
Not Topic:
JMS topic
A distribution mechanism for publishing messages that are delivered to multiple subscribers.
What are the two proper locations of deployment descriptors files inside of archives deployed to WebLogic?
* The WEB-INF directory contains the deployment descriptors for the Web application (web.xml and weblogic.xml) and two subdirectories for storing compiled Java classes and library JAR files.
* Web Application - WEB-INF/web.xml ( WEB-INF/weblogic.xml )
The WEB-INF directory is a vital component of your web application. Web application wont run without it.It contains a heirarcy in which you'll find the necessary configuration information for your web application, and all the class files for your servlets and classes that are called up by your JSPs.
WEB-INF folder contains all the class files for your servlets and classes that are called up by your JSPs
Enterprise Application - META-INF/application.xml (META-INF/weblogic-application.xml) and META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ( META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml )
Generally comprises of EJBs. Bussiness Tier of an application and EJB basically handels the Bussiness logic of application (distributed objects)
META-INF/application.xml containes Mappings and security roles etc.whereas META-INF/ejb-jar.xml containes ejb classes , session beans mapping etc.,
The META-INF directory is related to .jar files, It contains the manifest file which has list of jars.
A context-root setting in application.xml takes precedence over context-root setting in weblogic.xml (The context root of a web application determines which URLs weblogic will delegate to your web application.
* Deployment descriptors are xml documents that describe runtime behaviour for the deployment unit. The XML file contains information such as the context root of the web application and the mapping of the portable names of an application's resources to the application Server's resources
You want to use WLST to view metrics for a running domain. Which command should you issue to navigate through the Mbean hierarchy containing the metrics?
Similar to the configuration information, WebLogic Server runtime MBeans are arranged in a hierarchical data structure. When connected to an Administration Server, you access the runtime MBean hierarchy by entering the serverRuntime or the domainRuntime command. The serverRuntime command places WLST at the root of the server runtime management objects, ServerRuntimeMBean; the domainRuntime command, at the root of the domain-wide runtime management objects, DomainRuntimeMBean.
When you use WebLogic Management Pack EE, which three operations are enabled compared to managing WebLogic Server only through web console?
The WebLogic Server Management Pack EE greatly improves application
performance by providing unique functionality to automatically detect performance
bottlenecks; quickly diagnose these performance problems, and identify their root
cause. Key application performance management features of the pack include the
* (A) Manage multiple farms and WebLogic Domains centrally
* Monitor Oracle Coherence Cluster -- including all nodes within a cluster, all
caches, services, connection managers and connections
* Monitor middleware availability and performance out-of-box; track such data
historically, and receive notifications of potential problems
* Obtain real-time, in-depth JVM diagnostics without instrumentation overhead
* Trace transactions across containers as well as to the database
* (E) Analyze call paths and dependencies via graphical, architecture views
* (E) Automatically discover and model dependencies between Java components,
frameworks, and web services
Which is the correct WebLogic Server distribution version to download if you want to install WebLogic Server 12c to run in 64 bit mode on a 64 bit Linux X86?