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The "beadm list" command produced the following output:
What is the interpretation of this output?
You can display information about snapshots, boot environments, and datasets that were created by the beadm command by using the beadm list subcommand. The beadm list command output also displays boot environments that are created by the pkg command.
Viewing Boot Environment Specifications
The values for the Active column are as follows:
* R -- Active on reboot.
* N -- Active now.
* NR -- Active now and active on reboot.
* ''-'' -- Inactive.
* ''!'' -- Unbootable boot environments in a non-global zone are represented by an exclamation point.
The following example displays full information for the BE5 boot environment.
When attempting to perform an installation of Oracle Solaris 11, you encounter a failure message along the lines of "no offers were received." What is the most likely reason for this message and why?
No DHCP or Proxy DHCP Offers Were Received
If a DHCP server is not responding to an x86 client's request, you see the following messages:
Intel(R) Boot Agent PXE Base Code (PXE-2.1 build 0.86)
Copyright(C) 1997-2007, Intel Corporation
CLIENT MAC ADDR 00 14 4F 29 04 12 GUID FF2000008 FFFF FFFF FFFF 7BDA264F1400
DHCP......... No DHCP or ProxyDHCP offers were received
PXE-MOF: Exiting Intel Boot Agent
The timeout message indicates that the client is sending a DHCP request and not getting a response. This issue is probably due to an error in the DHCP configuration. Check to see if your client is configured correctly in the DHCP server.
Which two actions are used to permanently configure a new interface?
Name three Items that illustrate the business value of an integrated stack approach.
Not B: With a single vendor providing all the elements for an application platform, finger pointing is eliminated and problem resolution takes less time.
* Oracle's product research and engineering expertise spans the entire stack --- from storage, networks, compute and operating systems, to middleware, enterprise applications and
databases --- and is integrated and validated to work together to take the guesswork out of deploying complex solutions.
* Oracle is the only high technology company with all the software and hardware components to deliver an infrastructure that can transform and streamline business operation. Indeed, Oracle's application-to-disk stack is so well integrated and tuned that it provides less risk, better performance, and easier management for application environments
* Oracle's end-to-end solution stack includes Oracle's innovative servers and storage systems, the industry's only end-to-end virtualization portfolio, robust Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux operating environments, Oracle Database, middleware, premier enterprise applications, and industry-leading management tools. For years, Oracle has strived to integrate, test, and certify these technologies to work together to deliver the functionality, performance, security, and reliability companies can depend on to get the job done.
* The Oracle integrated stack.
Virtualization of physical hosts to Oracle Solaris Zones is aided by______.
ZFS is the root file system on Oracle Solaris 11 offering a superior experience in terms of manageability, scalability and data integrity. ZFS presents a pooled storage model that completely eliminates the concept of volumes and the associated problems of partitions, provisioning, wasted bandwidth and stranded storage. Thousands of file systems can draw from a common storage pool, each one consuming only as much space as it actually needs. All operations are copy-on-write transactions ensuring that the on-disk state is always valid.
Not A: Network Auto-Magic (NWAM) is a project to simplify and automate network configuration on Solaris. Network Auto-Magic generally refers to Network Profiles, which allow users to specify various network configurations to be created depending on the current network conditions. The Service Discovery project, which incorporates Multicast DNS into Solaris, also fell under the Network Auto-Magic umbrella.
Not B: Pre-Flight Checker tool which can be used to check whether apps will work without modification on Solaris 11
Not C: Network Auto-Magic is a project to simplify and automate network configuration on Solaris. Network Auto-Magic generally refers to Network Profiles, which allow users to specify various network configurations to be created depending on the current network conditions. The Service Discovery project, which incorporates Multicast DNS into Solaris, also fell under the Network Auto-Magic umbrella.