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Which two capabilities determine your decision to select either a native or a hybrid architecture over a web mobile architecture?
View the Exhibit.
The application accesses secured web services over HTTPS. The certificates have been issued by the internal certificate authority of your organization. In addition, the application requires access to the SMS and camera features of the device.
Which are the three actions you must perform to prepare the application for distribution on the Google Play Store?
Which four options can be used to authenticate a MAF application user?
Mobile applications may require that user credentials be verified against a remote login server (such as the Oracle Access Manager Identity Server used by Oracle ADF Fusion web applications) or a local credential store that resides on the user's device. To support local and remote connectivity modes, MAF supports these authentication protocols:
HTTP Basic
By default, authentication of the mobile application user is against the remote login server regardless of the authentication protocol chosen at design time. Developers may configure the application, in the case of Oracle Access Management Mobile and Social (OAMMS) and basic authentication to enable local authentication. However, initially, because the local credential store is not populated with credentials, login to access secured application features requires authentication against a remote login server. Successful remote authentication enables the subsequent use of the local credential store, which houses the user's login credentials from the authentication server on the device. Thus, after the user is authenticated against the server within the same application session (that is, within the lifecycle of the application execution), MAF stores this authentication context locally, allowing it to be used for subsequent authentication attempts. In this case, MAF does not contact the server if the local authentication context is sufficient to authenticate the user. Although a connection to the authentication server is required for the initial authentication, continual access to this server is not required for applications using local authentication.
Which use case describes why you should use the JSONBeanSerializationHelper class in MAF?
Which behavior results from this code inside an amx:listItem component?