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Which three statements about Oracle RAC background processes are correct?
Your organization needs a new Oracle 12cR1 RAC environment. The decision is made to done a sting RAC system to new servers using the method. Which mandatory step must be performed before launching the clone procedure?
You want to change an existing Oracle Clusterware standard Cluster to an Oracle Flex Cluster There is Grid Naming Service (GNS) and Flex ASM configured right now. In what order do you need to take the following steps?
1. Stop Oracle Clusterware
2. Determine the current mode of the cluster
3. Ensure that the GNS is configured with a fixed VIP.
4. Change the mode of the cluster to be an Oracle Flex Cluster.
5. Use the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) to enable Oracle Flex ASM in the cluster
6. Start Oracle Clusterware
You have completed a rolling conversion from DNS to GNS cluster resolution from the database and cluster resources end. The remaining are the configuration changes to be done from the client side.
Which two items need to be taken into account to achieve a successful connection?
A customer is using the policy-managed database by name RACDB on a 4-node cluster. The server names in the Cluster are: dasher, vixen, comet, and dancer
There are two server pools defined, frontoffice and backoffice The attributes are as follows Serverpoolmportance MinMax
Frontoffice 1022
Backoffice 512
There are two uniform services being created, crmsrv and hrsrv.
crmsrv is being assigned to serverpoolfrontoffice and hrsrv is assigned to backoffice.
Currently, all four nodes are up and running. The database and its services are running as follows:
The serverpoolfrontoffice , which is running the crmsrv service is being run on the dasher and vixen hosts
The serverpoolbackoffice, which is running hrsvc service is being run on comet and dancer hosts.
What happens when the dasher node fails?