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To avoid overloading the database during busy times, you decide to restrict the queries that are executed on the Orders form so that users query by either Order ID or Customer ID during these times. Which trigger is most appropriate for the code to enforce this restriction?
About controlling queries with Pre-Query and Post-Query triggers
The Pre-Query and Post-Query triggers allow control over query processing. They can be defined at the form or block level. Most often, attach them to specific blocks to control the query functionality of those blocks.
The Pre-Query trigger fires just before Form Builder issues the SELECT statement to the database, after the operator has defined the example record by entering query criteria in Enter Query mode.
Inside a Pre-Query trigger, the example record defined by the query criteria is the current record. This means that trigger code can read and set the values of items in the example record using standard :block_name.item_name syntax.
A Pre-Query trigger can be used to disallow query conditions that might be invalid. When a form is in Enter Query mode, normal validation is suspended and no validation triggers fire as they do in Normal mode. The Pre-Query trigger thus allows you to verify that any values entered by the operator are valid query conditions.
When invalid query conditions have been entered, you can abort the query by raising the FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE built-in exception in the Pre-Query trigger.
You can also call SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY to modify the block's WHERE and ORDER BY clauses from within the Pre-Query trigger, to further restrict or order the records the query will retrieve.
You are implementing a JavaBean in a form, the bean has no visible component on the form when invoked, the bean displays an input text where users enter a zip code, the bean has a single method that returns a short weather forecast for that zip code as a character value.
How can you retrieve that value so that you can display it to the user?
When a user interacts with a JavaBean at run time, it usually causes an event to occur.
You can use FBEAN.ENABLE_EVENT to register a listener for the event, so that when
the event occurs Forms will fire the When-Custom-Item-Event trigger. In this trigger, you
can code a response to the event. The :SYSTEM.CUSTOM_ITEM_EVENT and
:SYSTEM.CUSTOM_EVENT_PARAMETERS variables contain the name of the event and
information the bean is sending to the form.
Which type of variable must be declared before it is used in a trigger?
PL/SQL is the language used in Forms triggers and program units.
PL/SQL lets you declare variables and constants, then use them in SQL and procedural statements anywhere an expression can be used. You must declare a constant or variable before referencing it in any other statements.
Variables can have any SQL datatype, such as CHAR, DATE, or NUMBER, or a PL/SQL-only datatype, such as BOOLEAN orPLS_INTEGER.
PL/SQL's data types correspond with SQL's column types, making it easy to interchange PL/SQL variables with data inside a table.
Which statement is always true about a visual indicator that a text item has a list of values associated with it?
In the Orders form, users often have a need to return to the first record. Because there are many employee records, it may take a long time for them to scroll up to the first record, so you create a button with the label First Record.
When users click the first Record button, you want to display your own custom message instead of the system message "FRM-40100: At first record."
The system message should be displayed in other cases when users attempt to scroll above the first record.
You code the following When-Button-Pressed trigger:
:SYSTEM.mesage_level := '5'
MESSAGE ('This is the first Order');
The button works perfectly to return to the first record and display your custom message instead of the system message. However, users report that as they continue to use the form after clicking the button, no longer see other helpful messages. For example, the message "FRM 40102: Record must be entered or deleted first" no longer appears when they attempt to scroll past the last record.
How can you resolve this Issue so that all system messages continue to be displayed after the trigger code runs?