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You are configuring the principals needed to fulfill the security requirements of an application within a sandbox environment that uses the WebLogic Server-embedded LDAP server.
The given security requirements provided have outlined the following facts about some test principals:
One security requirement states that internal patient data can be viewed only by physicians who are employees.
What is an appropriate way to fulfill this security requirement from a principal perspective using the provided information?
Security policies replace access control lists (ACLs) and answer the question 'Who has access to a WebLogic resource?'.
You assign security policies to any of the defined WebLogic resources (for example, an EJB resource or a JNDI resource) or to attributes or operations of a particular instance of a WebLogic resource (an EJB method or a servlet within a Web application). If you assign a security policy to a type of WebLogic resource, all new instances of that resource inherit that security policy. Security policies assigned to individual resources or attributes override security policies assigned to a type of WebLogic resource.
You are managing and monitoring durable subscribers for your JMS topics to ensure that all the subscribers would receive persistent messages.
However, JMS connections are currently restricted, so only one connection with the same client ID could exist in the scope of your cluster.
On which page of the Administration Console can you set Client ID Policy to unrestricted in order to lift this restriction? (Choose the best answer.)
You can find help on Client ID Policy configuration through the following path:
OTN Home > Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation > Administration Console Online Help > JMS Connection Factory: Configuration: Client
Your clients are connected to distributed destinations to consume messages sent to various JMS topics.
Recently, JMS connections got interrupted due to a network failure and your clients dropped their connections as well.
How would you ensure seamless failover for your clients when a distributed destination fails? (Choose the best answer.)
A simple way to failover a client connected to a failed distributed destination is to write reconnect logic in the client code to connect to the distributed destination after catching onException.
Examine the domain diagram:
What is the correct path within the configuration hierarchy to the MBean that contains the log rotation parameters for server04? (Choose the best answer.)
By default, the rotated files are stored in the same directory where the log file is stored.
The server log file is located on the computer that hosts the server instance. By default, the server log file is located below the server instance's root directory: root-directory\server-name\server-name.log.
You have an application already deployed in a production environment that needs a modification to one of its tuning parameters. Currently, that tuning parameter has a default value since there was neither a deployment descriptor used nor a deployment plan included with the application deployment. You now attempt to use the Administration Console web application to make a dynamic modification to that parameter.
Which statement is true? (Choose the best answer.)
Defining tuning parameters is not required in order to successfully deploy an application. If an application's deployment descriptors and deployment plan do not define tuning parameters, WebLogic Server uses default values. The Administration Console automatically uses a deployment plan named plan.xml in the \plan subdirectory of an application root directory if one is available.