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Which feature of OCI Speech helps make transcriptions easier to read and understand?
The text normalization feature of OCI Speech helps make transcriptions easier to read and understand by converting spoken language into a more standardized and grammatically correct format. This process includes correcting grammar, punctuation, and formatting, ensuring that the transcribed text is clear, accurate, and suitable for various use cases. Text normalization enhances the usability of transcriptions, making them more accessible and easier to process in downstream applications.
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What is the main function of the hidden layers in an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) when recognizing handwritten digits?
In an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) designed for recognizing handwritten digits, the hidden layers serve the crucial function of capturing the internal representation of the raw image data. These layers learn to extract and represent features such as edges, shapes, and textures from the input pixels, which are essential for distinguishing between different digits. By transforming the input data through multiple hidden layers, the network gradually abstracts the raw pixel data into higher-level representations, which are more informative and easier to classify into the correct digit categories.
How does AI enhance human efforts?
AI enhances human efforts by processing large volumes of data quickly and accurately, performing complex computations that would be time-consuming or impossible for humans to handle manually. This allows humans to focus on more strategic, creative, and decision-making tasks, leveraging AI's ability to provide insights, automate repetitive processes, and support decision-making. AI does not physically enhance human capabilities, nor does it replace human workers in all tasks. Instead, it serves as an augmentation tool, amplifying human productivity and capabilities.
Which capability is supported by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Language service?
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Language service is specifically designed to analyze text and extract structured information such as sentiment, entities, key phrases, and language detection. This service provides natural language processing (NLP) capabilities that help users gain insights from unstructured text data. By identifying the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) and recognizing entities (like names, dates, or places), the service enables businesses to process large volumes of text data efficiently, aiding in decision-making processes.
Which is NOT a category of pretrained foundational models available in the OCI Generative AI service?
The OCI Generative AI service offers various categories of pretrained foundational models, including Embedding models, Chat models, and Generation models. These models are designed to perform a wide range of tasks, such as generating text, answering questions, and providing contextual embeddings. However, Translation models, which are typically used for converting text from one language to another, are not a category available in the OCI Generative AI service's current offerings. The focus of the OCI Generative AI service is more aligned with tasks related to text generation, chat interactions, and embedding generation rather than direct language translation.