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As a solutions architect of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy, you have been asked to provide members of the CloudOps group the ability to view and retrieve monitoring metrics, but only for all monitoring-enabled compute instances. Which policy statement would you define to grant this access?
To grant the CloudOps group the ability to view and retrieve monitoring metrics only for all monitoring-enabled compute instances, you need to use a policy statement with a condition that filters by the metric namespace. The metric namespace is a unique name that identifies the source of the metrics. For compute instances, the metric namespace is oci_computeagent. Therefore, the policy statement should be: Allow group cloudops to read metrics in tenancy where target.metrics.namespace='oci_computeagent'
Which is the correct monitoring query that will monitor the CPU utilization threshold including an alarm?
The correct monitoring query that will monitor the CPU utilization threshold including an alarm is (CpuUtilization[1m] .max()> 80).grouping().sum (). This query will return the sum of the maximum CPU utilization values for each metric stream in a one-minute interval, and compare it with the threshold value of 80%. If the sum is greater than 80%, the alarm condition is met and an alarm is triggered.
Which of the following capabilities does the performance management feature of Database Management Services offer to a managed database?
The performance management feature of Database Management Services offers the capability to visualize and perform trend analysis from AWR data to detect issues using AWR explorer. AWR explorer is a tool that lets you view and analyze the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) data from your databases. You can use AWR explorer to compare performance across different time periods, identify performance bottlenecks, and troubleshoot issues.
You have configured an Alarm Definition in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Monitoring service to send notifications through email. The alarm should resend notifications at specified intervals if the alarm continues to be in the firing state. A subscriber in the Notifications Topic complains about not receiving multiple emails upon failures. Which of the following could be the possible cause of this issue?
What is enabled by the SQL Warehouse application within Operations Insights?
The SQL Warehouse application within Operations Insights enables insights into the SQL performance. SQL Warehouse is a feature of Operations Insights that provides a centralized repository of SQL performance data from your databases. You can use SQL Warehouse to analyze, compare, and optimize the SQL performance across your database fleet. You can also use SQL Warehouse to identify and troubleshoot SQL performance issues, such as high resource consumption, long execution time, or plan changes.