Free Oracle 1Z0-1110-23 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for 1Z0-1110-23 were last updated On Feb 21, 2025

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Question No. 1

You are working as a data scientist for a healthcare company. They decide to analyze the data to

find patterns in a large volume of electronic medical records. You are asked to build a PySpark

solution to analyze these records in a JupyterLab notebook. What is the order of recommended

steps to develop a PySpark application in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Data Science?

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 2

You are building a model and need input that represents data as morning, afternoon, or evening. However, the data contains a time stamp. What part of the Data Science life cycle would you be in when creating the new variable?

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Correct Answer: B

Question No. 3

Using Oracle AutoML, you are tuning hyperparameters on a supported model class and have

specified a time budget. AutoML terminates computation once the time budget is exhausted. What

would you expect AutoML to return in case the time budget is exhausted before hyperparameter

tuning is completed?

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 4

You are a data scientist working inside a notebook session and you attempt to pip install a

package from a public repository that is not included in your conda environment. After running this

command, you get a network timeout error.

What might be missing from your networking configuration?

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Correct Answer: C

Question No. 5

You have created a conda environment in your notebook session. This is the first time you are

working with published conda environments. You have also created an Object Storage bucket with

permission to manage the bucket.

Which two commands are required to publish the conda environment?

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Correct Answer: A, C